Tag Archives: 2009

Top 10 Wrestling Pay Per Views of 2009

Pro_Wrestling_Illustrated_-_November_2009As the first official calendar year of the PG-era, it was insufferable to watch. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that putting the end of the Ruthless Aggression era from last year was all just to put Linda McMahon’s political campaign as Govoner of the state of Connecticut was straight up embarrassing. It’s already too late to put Linda in a good image since Vince already made WWE as vile of a television program as possible. And worst of all was when RAW began to have special guest hosts as General managers. You know each and everyone of their lack of wrestling experience that they couldn’t say the right things from the script and all this stunt of putting celebrities just to save raw from declining ratings is the worst viewing experience. The only merit of 2009 for WWE was CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Jeri-Show dominating both Raw & Smackdown’s tag teams, and The Legacy faction was the only good things going on in this horrible, horrible year. In comparison, TNA Wrestling was having one of their weakest years up to this point. 2009 for TNA was still better than WWE but despite their undercard being solid, the ex-WWE stars coming in made the product worse. Aspects like Main Event Mafia, Mick Foley as TNA World Champion, and Hulk Hogan coming to TNA at the end of 2009 left a sour taste in our mouths. It only gets worse in 2010 when TNA allow Hulk Hogan and Eric Bisho Bischoff turn TNA into WCW 2.0. Meanwhile in ROH, I think Ring of Honor started going on cruise control and began showing really okay-ish shows. From 2007 – 2008 ROH stop making their shows too long and fill up the card. The ROH shows in 2009 got back to making unnecessarily long shows. Once again we got multiple shows that had to go on for more than one night and at this point, staying as an ROH fan became unsatisfying. This is Bryan Danielson’s last year in ROH and the company pushed Tyler Black as their replacement. Unfortunately, the man who eventually became Seth Rollins was not as good as Bryan Danielson nor was he able to carry the small promotion on his back. 2009 in wrestling got pretty exhausting considering the lack of quality and the amout of bullshit he had to withstand from all parties involved. To to mention Pro Wrestling Noah lost its status of as being Japan’s number one promotion because they couldn’t get any of their new stars to sell seat and Mitsuharu Misawa died at the worst time. 2009 was a really bad year to be a wrestling, but where there any good shows in 2009? 

The Year 2009 Wrestling Rewards

  • Wrestler of 2009: AJ Styles
  • Underrated Wrestler of 2009: The Amazing Red
  • Feud of 2009: Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk
  • Wrestling Match of 2009: Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels – Wrestlemania 25
  • Wrestling Promotion of 2009: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

Continue reading Top 10 Wrestling Pay Per Views of 2009

Top 10 Video Games of 2009

2009 really sucked, but not as badly as 2006. This whole year of gaming was sucking up to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and it was more hyped than The Dark Knight with it’s controversy of shooting civilians in an air port. For the fact that there are just too many idiots going too crazy over something that will get old until the next Call of Duty game shows how lackluster this year really want. This is such a bad way to end the 2000s as it ended as a year celebrating itself for the disease called sequelitis. Not only did 2009 sucked for gaming but also for the many celebrities who died in this very year, Michael Jackson included. This really was a year of mediocre releases, horrid economy, and bad news going all over the place. If Modern Warfare 2 is the only good news happening around the world, you know exactly how much this year sucked! It’s a shame that we could have partied like it was 1999 for 2009, but instead it we were doing the exact opposite, weeping and getting annoyed. This is a year that I do not want to revisit and it’s a miracle that I’ve counted ten good games from this year that’s NOT another fucking military shooter!

Continue reading Top 10 Video Games of 2009