Tag Archives: Gargoyles

Top 25 Clans in Vampire: The Masquerade

Vampire Clans | Redemtion of the Lost Clans | Obsidian PortalIt’s interesting that thetoplister never really talks much about tabletop role-playing games. The closest we’ve mentioned anything about our secret hobby is when we’re praising the innovations of Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines. Even with the patches of Bloodlines that earn itself a place at number 10 in thetoplister’s greatest games of all time, we still prefer playing the tabletop RPG over any World of Darkness game because of the social interactions and being free from the limitations of video game design. There’s just so much freedom and interactivity among friends that make it a preferable experience than all other Vampire: The Masquerade adaptations. No doubt that this is World of Darkness’s biggest moneymaker. There are many reasons to love this game but our personal Stream 5 free Nosferatu + Vampire The Masquerade radio stations ...favorite aspect of the game is the vampiric politics and the clans that fall under it. No other RPG has better clans/races/classes than Vampire: The Masquerade. The fact that they all are prejudice with each other but cannot survive without them is what makes VtM such a great social game. We don’t just slaughter everything in sight like D&D, instead, there are so many scenarios that go beyond the action that makes these unique Vampire clans suitable to fix. All of them are so unique and have their own individual abilities that make them stick out. This list is actually a ranking ALL the vampire clans in Vampire: The Masquerade, including Vampire: The Dark Ages, and I’m also including clans from Vampire: The Requiem. One last thing, no bloodline clans because they’re going to make the list bigger than it needs to be; Parent clans only! Continue reading Top 25 Clans in Vampire: The Masquerade