Tag Archives: Samoa Joe

Top 10 Greatest Wrestling Matches

History in the Making: Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat battle it ...Ever wondered with this many matches that the wrestling industry provided, which are the ten that are the best? A better question is what does it take to make the best match of all time? Is it workrates? Spots? Kicking out of finishers? Blood and weapons? So many flips and bumps? No. The simple answer is the rivalry build-up and how they showcase their hatred in front of a crowd to do ALL they can to prove that they are the better competitor. Wrestling has forgotten that now that WWE doens’t want to make any more stars and the delusion of winning and losing doesn’t matter is complete bullshit if I ever heard one. It’s true that its all about engaging crowd but it’s also delivering on a promise that the match will have a conclusion. The anticipation of having a wrestler win and the other to have their comeuppins (based on how the heel pissed us off) is why we care about winning and losing so much. That’s why storylines are created to elavate the feud that actually pay money to see the live result is what makes the industry last as long. No matter how many critics will argue that the match is fake, there’s no arguing that these storylines is what made wrestling so unique and engaging. And when selecting these ten matches, it has to be ten that deliverse on its promise in the most satisfying way possible. Also, there’s a rule in the list of having one wrestler per match! So get ready to see what are some of the best matches in wrestling history!

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