Tag Archives: Wrestlers

Top 10 Extreme Championship Wrestling Wrestlers

Tommy DreamerExtreme Championship Wrestling would never be Extreme without their daring and potential performers. Paul Heyman and Tod Gordon managed to collected the most insane individuals that had hopes and dreams of being succcessful wrestlers. What both of those men put through their roster is offering the most brutal matches on American soil. All ECW had to do was book the show for them and the audience will cheer at almost everything they’ve done in the ring, on the mic, and elsewhere. I strongly believe that without Paul Heyman’s booking, none of ECW alumni would be remembered. He was able to take many of these no-names and give them a place to call home. The push that many of them got is something that all of them wouldn’t get in another promotion. Despite never being pushed hard in other promotions, their time in ECW will always give them credibility. Even though wrestling today no longer welcomes this level of violence and adult content, you still have to respect the fact that they got into dangerous positions and told very unique stories along the way. The fact that many of these faces automatically makes you think of Extreme Championship Wrestling by default tell you how much of an impact they’ve made in the wrestling world. There are so many performers who wrestled in ECW from 1992 – 2001 but which one is the best? How can you judge who qualifies as the best? I put it simply the amound accomplishments an ECW alumni made during the time when ECW was once a privately own company. So you’re not going to see any WWECW wrestlers (sorry CM Punk). What we’re judging here are the wrestlers that helped make ECW as iconic as it is and the accomplishments they’ve made during their time as well. ECW is one of the most beloved companies for a reason and here we are seeing who truly is the most important figures in this dead but not forgotten promotion. 

Continue reading Top 10 Extreme Championship Wrestling Wrestlers

Top 10 Greatest Wrestlers of All Time

The WWF in the 1980s: I Was a Teenage Hulkamaniac | Hulk hogan ...There has to come a time where a site that talks about wrestling has to make a good argument to who’s the greatest wrestler of all time. There just wouldn’t be wrestling without the wrestlers, but who really deserves all the praise? Every wrestling fan has their own personal favorite wrestling that they mark out to, so thetoplister has to make a credible pick in deciding who really is the best grappler/performer in professional wrestling. Here on thetoplister, we do really care about giving so many people recommendations, but it has to be the best recommendation, not the most popular one. Otherwise, having Hulk Hogan, The Rock, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and Shawn Michaels would have been too predictable to the point where we’re being dishonest. When you’ve been wrestling as long as we have (watching so many different promotions and all) you should know that there are better out there. So what really is the criteria to be an all-time great wrestler? Here are your criteria.

Absolutely CharasmaticBox Office DrawCharacter EvolutionExcellent Moveset

Natural Baby Face & HeelVersatile and CreativeOverachiever

If a wrestler has three or more of these qualities, then they deserve to be on the list. Notice that we didn’t include number of victories here? Otherwise, Goldberg & Dr. Death Steve Williams would have made it on the list, but in wrestling, it’s not how many wins you make, it’s how many times can you get yourself back up in every defeat without losing relevance. It takes years to hone your skills, have the right booking to keep you relevant in your career, and the challenge of getting the fans’ approval in order to reach that level of credibility. This is a tough business to stay in but these ten wrestlers (and a few honorable mentions) managed to prove to us that they are deserving of such praise.
Continue reading Top 10 Greatest Wrestlers of All Time