Tag Archives: Rolling Stones

Top 10 Albums of the 1960s

Revolutionary Decade: Reflections on the 1960s - EIU - Booth LibraryAfter reading the history books of the black segregation, Cold War paranoia, hippy rebellion, sexual revolution, murders of popular figures, draft to Vietnam, the Cuban missile crisis, and nonstop controversies, anyone who wasn’t around in those times could generalize that the 1960s was one of the worst decades of all time. Millennials just see this decade as a time where babyboomers have a soft spot for. Whether people see this decade for being good or bad, it was the time for a change. It was the end of the modern era and into the post-modern era that we all know it. The one scene that changed the most was music. The term pop somehow became synonymous. What used to be music for those who want to make people want to go dancing in parts has now become a wave of experiments and going against the norm. This was music like never before and we’d never see anything quite this daring and revolutionary since Édouard Manet fought against art galleries and salons to start modernity. It’s sixty years since the 1960s begun and their appeal never faded away. Their image is forever cemented into the first-world culture for the rest of our time. In my humble opinion, entertainment history didn’t really count until change actually came to make what we all take for granted to this very day. Also, thetoplister website feels that it’s appropriate to make a list of the first decade that matters before we begin the overrated, underrated, worst, and best final lists on the website. Before we wrap everything up in reminiscing history’s best products, why not start at the beginning?

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