Tag Archives: Top 10 Matches of the New Generation Era

Top 10 Matches of New Generation Era (Early-Mid 90s)

The Impossible WWE Quiz Part 2: The New Generation EraOne of the big reasons why I have a really soft spot for the New Generation Era is the fact that matches were more physical, technical, high flying, and aggressive than anything seen in the Golden Era of Wrestling. A lot of people over looks what this era had to offer because they’re more fond to the Attitude Era. Many of the smaller guys in the Golden Age were able to show what they were capable of and it made the whole professional wresting scene in the World Wrestling Federation look more sportsman like. Not to mention, that in the later years of the New Generation, many of the star were actually doing hardcore stipulations one at a time that was slowly evolving into the Attitude Era that we all know and love. I’ve already named ten of the best wrestlers of the New Generation Era so go check that list out. In the mean time, I can easily say that this is the most underrated and under appreciated era of wrestling and you should watch these ten matches that came from this era (mid 1992 – early 1997) to realize what wrestling today lost that this era had.
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