Top 10 Most Overrated Wrestlers

Top Five Most Overrated Wrestlers | Ring the Damn BellWrestling fans may be the most opinionated type of people you can imagine. Every fan of professional wrestling is quite vocal on their favorite and their most hated wrestlers. We all have that feeling of why on Earth is this wrestler getting pushed or why does the audience react so fondly of them? You watch so carefully and you can’t even see what everyone sees in them. These ten wrestlers are mistaken as entertaining believable, or worth being in the spotlight. But how can you possibly convince those who are a big fan of these individuals that they are nowhere as good as they’re proclaimed or undeserving for attention? Well, I have a criterion of six factors that make a wrestler overrated.

I think it’s fair enough to judge a wrestler to differentiate an actual deserving wrestler to an overrated wrestler. These ten wrestlers in the list are not only undeserving to be in part of wrestling history but are, after all, not that good.

The Sandman | Pro wrestling, Mma, WrestlingNumber 10.  –  The Sandman

Sandman was the perfect wrestler to be booked in Extreme Championship Wrestling, and only in ECW. Everywhere else, he was not brought up to snuff nor could he fit in. Wrestling is an industry that is meant to be athletic and daring. Despite how much I like the guy, Sandman is almost a garbage wrestler. Think of all the moves he’s ever pulled that didn’t incorporate a weapon involved, the way Sandman executes his wrestling maneuvers were sloppy. No wrestling promotion should spend hundreds of dollars off of weapons and wrestler’s medical because a single wrestler is heavily relying on weapons to save his sorry ass from being boring. The dude can wack a kendo stick as hard as he can, but that doesn’t mean that he’s a wrestler. All Sandman has is the look of an intimidating figure, drinks and smokes to make himself stand out, walks into the crowd for attention, and has the Metallica’s Sandman song for everyone to sing along. Without that gimmick of his, he wouldn’t even be in Paul Heyman’s radar or any other wrestling promoter’s attention. Honestly, Sandman couldn’t come out in a better time than in the 1990s when wrestling needed hardcore edginess to be watchable again. It’s just not a sustainable gimmick to have a long career with. The fact that Sandman couldn’t be bothered with character growth, improving his wrestling abilities, or do anything else than what we have seen from Sandman almost every night shows how much of a one-trick poney James Fullington truly is. I know that I can’t imagine ECW without the Sandman, but I can’t imagine any other wrestling promotion that needs him either.

Reasons for Being Overrated

Bad Mic Skills   Mediocre Move Set Pushed Toon Soon

Shitloads Of Wrestling — Trish Stratus [2001] Where several people ...Number 9.  –  Trish Stratus

I can tell that Patricia Stratigeas is getting tired of getting all the attention from the WWE’s Divas division because even she knows that there are more talented female-wrestlers than her. However, WWE and the media hypes her so much not because of her skills but rather being a sex symbol. There’s no denying that Trish is the most attractive woman I’ve ever seen in the WWE’s roster and she did try to make herself a credible wrestler instead of eye candy. However, she really isn’t as talented as we discussed. If it wasn’t for being from Canada and has the same level of sex appeal as Pamela Anderson, she would be another forgotten over time. She can win as many Bra and Panties matches from other female-wrestlers (I refuse to call them divas) but does not make her an all-time great. Even watching Trish wrestle, her moves look like basic moves meant for cruiserweights that cannot do a flip. Because she’s limited with such okay-ish moves, is why none of her matches were more than just being okay to the worst ever. As much as everyone likes to bash Miss Jackie in that horrible 2002 match, Trish did as much of the botching. In fact, Trish does a lot of botches throughout her career that WWE had to protect her in her shortcoming by placing her in “Babe of the Year” and countless bra & panties matches. Also, none of her title reigns was ever memorable.  It just feels like, “oh she just holds the title” and never really does much with her reign as champion. Even during her time in the WWE, other females like Lita, Victoria, Chyna, Molly Holly, Gail Kim, Ivory, Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, and Melina all did better than her in almost every department. Whenever she tries to live up to what makes male-wrestlers counterparts so great she attempts and fails. Remember her when she was handed the mic on doing “The Trish” promo on Survivor Series 2009? I know Trish is a good person and a team player, it’s WWE’s propaganda machine that fails to convince me that Trish is anywhere as good.

Reasons for Being Overrated

Bad Mic Skills  Bad Gimmick      Pushed Toon Soon  Mediocre Move Set

Never-before-seen photos of The Shield | WWENumber 8.  –  The Shield  (Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins)

There have been a lot of factions of wrestling that generated buzz for fans and others wish they could be nWo or Four Horseman. There’s just no way am I going to put the Shield at any list of the greatest wrestling faction. A group of newcomer, indie talents getting a monster push couldn’t be any more so undeserving, even if you tried. I can never understand what made any of these guys credible enough to beat anyone in the WWE locker room. Hell, even Nexus was more believable than these three jokers. The moment when The Shield disbanded that’s when everything lackluster about the three of them is fully exposed. Remember Roman Reigns get that Cena push and fails to carry the company. He’s so bad that he makes Kevin Nash look like a million bucks in comparison. Hell, his extremely limit moveset is so underwhelming that it’s laughable to think people are complaining about Brock Lesnar’s suplex-city. Is there no wonder why everybody in the planet roasted him for his Royal Rumble victories and all the time he’s main evented Wrestlemania? We all know that he absolutely sucks as a wrestler. And let’s lot forget Seth Rollins. He deserves the same amount of hatred over the monster heel push that he’s gotten. He couldn’t carry out as the company’s top hell and wishes that he was Shawn Michaels. Seth has always been the same spot-monkey that he’s always been since his time in ROH as Tyler Black. Is there no wonder why he is the official worst drawing WWE champion of all time. I’ve haven’t seen lesser empty seats than when I see Rollins as champion. The dude needs to stop his twitter account and making a fool out of himself. And don’t get me started with Dean Ambros. Calling him the best of the three is like a lesser spoiled apple than the bunch. Despite playing this lunatic fringe quite well, he could have been roasted as well if he was in the same spot as his former comrades. All three of them equally have mediocre moves, couldn’t draw a dime and were uncharismatic that it’s painful to watch. The next time I see someone say that they want the shield back, you’re only asking for more of the worst.

Reasons for Being Overrated

Bad Mic Skills  Worst Box Office Draw  Pushed Toon Soon  Mediocre Move Set

Reliving A Feud Volume #39: Triple H Vs. Kevin Nash In WWE '03 ...Number 7.  –  (Tie) Triple H

Paul Levesque is so lucky to get as many chances as he did. The dude tried so hard to prove that he’s worthy to be a main eventer but have to rely on other support to get him over. Look at all those who he’s been around with just to remain relevant – The Kliq (Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman), Ric Flair, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Perfect, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Sable, and “Ravishing” Rick Rude. He couldn’t get his Hunter Hearst Helmsley character to draw until he got Chyna to be his personal body guard and actually had to marry the boss’s daughter (both on screen and behind closed doors). Triple H is just really dull to watch. Levesque couldn’t upgrade his moveset and has been wrestling the same exact style since 1994 when he debut in WCW as Jean-Paul Lévesque & Terra Ryzing. The fact that he had to surround himself with that many individuals in the wrestling business to cover up his mundane, fomulaic wrestling abilities shows how dull he is to watch in the ring. And of course, he wouldn’t get anywhere until he ripped off Shane Douglas’s character from ECW to keep him relevant after D-X Army’s break up. Trips struggles to keep fans interested but he only mattered when he was able to use Chyna & the McMahons to make him from boring to an okay guy to fill in the top heel spot in the company. No matter how many title reigns and matches he’s been in it always feels like the same kind of match – long boring submission holds, power powerdowns, get the opponent over, and go for the finish. And the worst part is that Paul Levesque took full advantage of the Triple H’s reign of terror. He’s responsible for ruining wrestler’s momentum with fans and buries all opportunities ahead of them. Look at Goldberg, RVD, Daniel Brian, Randy Orton, Sting, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Paul London, Scott Steiner, and even Bret Hart (he’s part of the as well Montreal Screwjob). Any better talent that has the potential to take his spotlight, Trips instandly buries.  Trips love to hog up major storylines, main events, and speciality matches. Every time there’s a Hell in a Cell match that needs to be books, dear ol’ Trips has to book himself in Elimination Chambers, Hell in a Cell, and all the rest. Even when it comes to entrances, all of the budget and production value goes towards him. Every Wrestlemania entrance gets over overblown and out of proportion than the last making us want to care about a mediocre wrestler. No matter how much water you spit, Trips, you’re not convincing anyone. I’ve never seen a more selfish individual in the business than Paul Levesque and for him to one day run WWE with his wife Stephanie after Vince dies makes me sick to my stomach. Ultimately, Trips is the one reason why I don’t watch WWE anymore.

Reasons for Being Overrated

  Bad Gimmick  Burries Talent      Mediocre Move SetWorst Box Office DrawPushed Toon Soon

TNA Jeff Jarrett | Jeff Jarrett(tna) Photo by TheVampiressAssassin ...Number 6.  –  Jeff Jarrett

Jarret is a Ric Flair wannabe. Even when he steals Honkey Tonk Man’s gimmick it’s way worse when Jarrett does it. This Memphis Midcarder should only remain staying there. At least, Vince McMahon has the brain cells to know he doesn’t deserve to be anywhere higher than that. But Jarret is too damn selfish to believe that he’s anywhere as good. Being the company’s top heel means that you’re that good. Unfortunately, Jeff isn’t. His time in WCW exposed his shortcomings, yet tries to hog up the main event scene. Is there no wonder why WCW in 2000 sucked so much? If using Vince Russo to push Jarret to main event level was horrible enough, he made TNA Wrestling to bury more talents and make him headliner of the show. Is there no wonder why TNA will never be better than WWE? Because Jeff is always believing his own hype and dares to make a company when he can no longer keep his precious spot on top. Just take a look at Global Force Wrestling and see how that went down. Hell, even he he did not want to do the time-honor tradition for Chyna to take his Intercontinental Championship shows how much he is in his head. This wouldn’t be so bad if he was able to prove that he was a good wrestler, good on the mic, or knows how to continue a storyline. Playing as this chicken-shit heel throughout his company was Jarret’s excuse to not put in a single good match. Oh, and what he did in stealing Kurt Angle’s wife was so low that you couldn’t make me hate him. I’m actually convinced that as time was moving passed Jeff Jarret, he had to actually humiliate himself to Vince McMahon behind closed doors to receive his own WWE Hall of Fame. Yeah, just when earning a WWE Hall of Fame induction couldn’t lose any more credibility. The dude smashed hundreds of guitars and never drew a goddamn dime is why he truly is that bad.

Reasons for Being Overrated

Bad Mic Skills  Bad Gimmick  Burries Talent  Worst Box Office Draw  Pushed Toon Soon  Mediocre Move Set

John Layfield - IMDbNumber 5.  –  John Bradshaw Layfield

From 1999 to 2003, Smackdown was better than Monday Night RAW. When the brand-split happened, Smackdown did everything that RAW wasn’t doing. The moment that Brock Lesnar left after Wrestlemania XX, Eddie Guerrero was the only star left active. Instead of trading some wrestlers from RAW to Smackdown, the creative team had to push a midcarder like Bradshaw to the main event. I get it, Bradshaw has been in the midcard since the New Generation era, but he was the wrong guy to put on the main event spot. Layfield is nothing more than the biggest backstage bully and arguably a worse burier of talent.  Since his debut in Justin “Hawk” Bradshaw, he was already in burying great talent talent as Jinsei Shinzaki (aka Hakushi) just when he was getting out. His time as Acolytes Protection Agency (APA) with Faarooq is burying that nobody notices. If you were a WCW or ECW talent entering the WWF at the time, Bradshaw takes full advantage of going absolutely stiff live on camera. And his backstage promos of drinking and playing cards was SO repetitive that it’s not worth remembering. He also brough so much tension backstage that Vince Russo made “Brawl For All” just to shut his ego and bullying down. And yet, JBL NEVER learned from being a toxic masculine. When Brock was gone and Kurt Angle was too hurt, it couldn’t be anything else than perfect timing. I put all the blame of Smackdown’s reputation of being worse than RAW on JBL’s WWE title reign. I know they need heel heat, but we had enough of it from Triple H’s reign of terror. The fact that JBL is a mediocre wrestler that’s booked to bury other talents and make pathetic victories made WWE in 2004 an absolutely horrible year. John Layfield, as a person, is a unlikeable person. He constantly bullies workers backstage & he’s beyond stiff in the ring. Look at what he did to The Blue Meanie at ECW One Night Stand 2005, abusing Public Enemy, Eddie Guerrero’s beating, & doing a nazi march in Germany. Layfield doesn’t wrestle his opponents, he abuses them. It’s pathetic that he takes advantage of his profession to freely beat guys on tv. The fact that a such a pathetic excuse for a wrestler gets so much spotlight from 2004 to the day of his retirement is unearned. To make Smackdown even unbearable to watch, JBL was used as a color commentator with Michael Cole… fuck this is cruel! He is the exact reason why the Smackdown brand never recovered. Whatever McMahon sees in Layfield, it does not translate to being entertainment. I guess Paul Heyman was right, “The only reason that he’s WWE champ for nearly a year was that Triple H didn’t want to work Tuesdays.”

Reasons for Being Overrated

Burries Talent   Worst Box Office Draw  Mediocre Move Set    Pushed Toon SoonBad GimmickBad Mic Skills

The McMahon Family Stephanie, Vince, Linda and Shane (With images ...Number 4.  –  The McMahons

I think we should say that Vince McMahon is lucky not because he was ever a wrestling genious (he never was) but only approves the good ideas of the geniously that surrounded him. Vince is one of the biggest idiots that ever worked in the creative team. I know deep down inside he wishes to be this entertainment empire like Disney but can never get out of the wrestling bubble that made him that millionare (look up his WWE movies, XFL, and resturant in Times Square). Again, if it wasn’t for Vince Russo, Steve Austin, Jim Ross, Pat Patterson, and (sadly) Jim Cornette, he’d probably lost to Ted Turner’s WCW sooner. I don’t think that there is a single episode of any of WWE’s programming where there wasn’t a cringe moment or a bad idea slipped in. As much as we all love the Attitude Era there’s no escaping that it was disgusting. Hell, the man doesn’t even know how to make good title The McMahon Family … (With images) | Stephanie mcmahon, Mcmahon ...reigns anymore. Wrestlers like CM Punk & Daniel Brian gets handed the best and has no good follow up to it. It has been happening since 1993 and it’s a lesson that Vince never learned. Just look at all the big time storylines that gave his company so much attention – Summer of Punk, return to the nWo, Triple H’s reign of terror, the higher power of the Corporate Ministry, being ECW champion, buring a one-legged man like Zach Gowen, and ending his fued with Stone Cold at Wrestlemania X7 – were the worst creative decisions ever made that were all his responsibility. Vince McMahon is a Neo-Liberalist that buries wrestlers that is not worth for his “brass ring” and continues to make the worst decisions ever. Just look at how he continues to make the Crown Jewel PPV in Saudi Arabia. Don’t you ever call him a wrestling genius because for every good idea he makes, there’s 100 bad ones that comes with it. And worst of all is his family. It was interesting to see the McMahon rivalry being this aggressive on TV in 2000 but the fact that we keep seeing this rivalry so many times makes it worse and worse. What I hate about it is that it’s not about the wrestlers’ feud with each other but instead about them running the show and hogging up any momentum. Just look at how horrible Wrestlemania 2000‘s main event was, or how the Invasion Storyline was poorly handled, and everything they’ve put their hands on. This display of a dysfunctional family has now become self-parody. When they have so much talent that deserves the spotlight, they take it away from them. Stephanie McMahon isn’t a genious because she hired soap opera writers to work for WWE and make her the princess of the business. Linda is just there… whatever she does as CEOHere's a photo from the extended McMahon family's visit to the White House  - Cageside Seats she’s just so boring. When you look at her failed attempt to be governor of Connecticut twice shows how she (just like her husband) have no place outside of the wrestling bubble. Even Shane McMahon, despite all of his high-flying talents, is just as bad as his father. Sure he takes way more bumps, makes leaps of faith, and does way more than his father but look at how he took AJ Style’s opponent at Wrestlemania 33 (when Styles could have any better opponent), he couldn’t make WCW a band after he “owned” the company, been the Virgil to Vince McMahon, and beating Kofi for the WWE Universal title is equally as bad as Vince’s decisions. Just because Shane made himself a spot-monkey doesn’t mean that he’s any better than the rest of his family. Remember in the 1980s when there wasn’t a McMahon storyline or authority figure ruining wrestlers’ spotlight? I miss seeing actual wrestlers too. This family fued and everything that McMahons tries to do to create the dynasty’s relevancy has offically runned its course. Just remember for every potential talent that even stepped in the WWE ring and gets completely ruined, blame it all on the McMahons’ selfishness in not giving their independant contractors the glory that they deserve.

Reasons for Being Overrated

Bad Mic Skills  Bad Gimmick  Burries Talent  Worst Box Office Draw  Pushed Toon Soon  Mediocre Move Set

Jake Rodgers on Twitter: "“@WrestlingsPast: D-Generation X version 2 - 1998  #WWE” @scoffa22"Number 3.  –  D-Generation-X

You know that moment whenever you get nostalgic for something you yearn for it, but then when you see evidence of those times (such as a photo or a recording) you begin to realize that being cool at the time was actually embarrassing now? That’s EXACTLY what D-Generation-X was. Take off your nostalgia goggles, this faction is completely embarrassing to look back at. I don’t understand why whenever people have a topic about “Greatest Factions in Wrestling” See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil” - DX circa 1997 : SquaredCirclesomehow D-Generation-X gets brought up. Back in 1997, Vince McMahon really wanted to capitalize on WCW’s nWo faction, and what we got was more than enough; it was too much. We had Truth Commission, Los Boricuas, Disciples of Apocalypse, Team USA, and J.O.B. Squad. The only good ones were The Hart Foundation and Nation of Domination. Why? Because they had a purpose and those two were the only faction in mainstream wrestling that was producing great matches and storylines. D-Generation-X at the time… what were they even doing?! All they did was just offend and make themselves completely obnoxious. Their purpose was just to smite and annoy and the only people that genuinely likes DX were degenerates. DX should have ended when Shawn Michaels retired at Wrestlemania 14 in an ultimate defeat. However, Triple H knew that he was going to get demoted so he made this “DX Army” to keep him relevant. And what we got is more of this degeneracy and disgusting promos from returning X-Pac and the New Age Outlaws. Every single time I see a member of DX on screen (both in their match and promos) they always kept doing those crotch chops and gestures-to-moves that should be considered sexual harassments. The only good member of the faction was Chyna because she knew that all of these guys were embarrassing to be around with and she never returned to the pointless faction. Is there no The McMahon-Helmsley Era | Stephanie mcmahon, Wwe stephanie mcmahon, Wwe  divas stephanie mcmahonwonder why she was the first to leave the group. Even when DX was disbanded at Wrestlemania 15, after Triple H joined the Coorporation, Xpac, Road Dogg, and Mr. Ass still kept doing their disgusting gimmicks. Those three never recovered after it. Seeing Billy Gunn being the WORST King of the Ring winner in 1999, Road Dogg had no purpose being there, and X-Pac kept doing those nonstop crotch chops, karate waves, and had a HORRIBLE heel turn against Kane (who was saving his career) was ultimately why he has the term “Xpac Heat.” There was a large WWF audience that changes the channel whenever Sean Waltman is on their television screen. In late-1999, when Triple H lost Chyna and couldn’t get over as a big star was Rock, Austin, and Undertaker, he wanted to be the biggest heel in all of wrestling by marrying Stephanie McMahon, HHH revived DX as the McMahon-Helmsley era. At this point, DX were already a shell of their former self and nobody wanted this faction to return. Why? Because all they did was DX HHH and HBK | Wrestling superstars, Wrestling wwe, Wwe tag teamsbecome Triple H’s personal bodyguard and what made them popular overstayed their welcome. As the attention of the faction focused on Stephanie and Trips, all of the members of “McMahon-Helmsley era” lost credibility. No matter how they tried to sprinkle the team with their catchy theme song and crotch-cropping, they were completely uncool. Just when we were finally DONE with this shit, Shawn Michaels and Triple H decided to stop their endless rivalry from 2002- 2004 and work together some more in 2006 as a tag team… FUCK! Now we got forty-year-olds trying to be cool and it sucked the life out of it. All they did was bury talent and did the most cringe-worthy segments I’ve ever seen in wrestling. All of their nonstop crotch-chopping and long-ass promos was just WAY too much. I was hoping that now since Triple H got injured in 2007, this DX gimmick was over. Then in 2009 we had another fucking run with this faction, AND we had Hornswoggle joining in the team… FUCKING HELL!!. They didn’t produce any good matches as their faction nor have they anything worth looking back at that wasn’t6 Forgotten Members Of DX – Good Brothers Wrestling so self-indulgence that it became mindless. Every time whenever there’s a reunion show, guaranteed DX was going to show up and do the same shit all over again. The only members that got over was Shawn and Triple H and everyone else is not acting like their age when forming  this team. These guys are admitting unique for sure but they shouldn’t be considered the best faction in any discussion. The Hart Foundation, nWo, Wolfpack, The Four Horsemen, and Nation of Domination had class and purpose in comparison to the overstayed-its-welcome D-Generation-X. Never have I seen a faction that keeps coming back and made the audience less and less fond for them within each return/reunion. That’s only because this is a faction that’s all masturbatory and nothing else.

Reasons for Being Overrated

Bad Mic Skills  Bad Gimmick  Burries Talent  Worst Box Office Draw  Pushed Toon Soon  Mediocre Move Set

Jim Cornette Blasts Kenny Omega, Meltzer Ratings And More - WWE ...Number 2.  –  Jim Cornette

Have you ever seen a legion of wrestling fans that hypes up a person that worked in the wrestling business and has nothing to show for it? If you answer anyone else than Jim Cornette, then try again. Meanwhile, I’m going to explain to you all that this grumpy ol’ hasbeen why he should never be celebrated. This man is the most bitter individual that never is able to shut his fucking mouth. Jim has always thrown everyone under the bus and thinks that his opinion is the most valid thing. I hate how wrestling media and inverviewers put so much spotlight on such a sore-loser such as him. Cornette is never right about anything. This is an individual that has the most pathetic ideas on how to “save” the wrestling business and I guarantee to you that it will flop. Just look at how horrible his booking was in OVW, Smokey Mountain Wrestling, Ring of Honor, and Total Non-stop Action Wrestling. As much as he loves to shit Vince Russo to kingdom come, Cornette and Russo are too much alike – the most they have in common is that they have an endless list of terrible ideas and the biggest difference is that Russo like crash-TV seen from Jerry Springer and Cornette is suck in the 1970s past during the territorial days fo wrestling. I sure hope that Jimmy is still blacklisted in the wrestling industry because whenever actual talent like Kenny Omega, Becky Lynch, and all the rest, he rants and raves about them because they don’t fit his agenda of being in ‘southern wrastlin’.’ Jim Cornette is more than capable of biting the hand that feeds. Look at the only man that actually cares about Cornette, Brian Zane from Wrestling With Wregret, he gave him so much of a benefit of a doubt and Cornette blasted on him and never looked back. Does that sound like a pleasant person to be around with? If so then you have poor judgement on making friends because Cornette is more than capable of just humiliating people. His insensitivity over people’s appearances, creative differences, and political believes, he’ll slander you for being different than he is. Even when you look at all the wrestlers that Cornette managed like Rock n’ Roll Express, Midnight Express, Mantaur, and the rest. They were a thing of decades past. Who even wants to remember either one of those “Express” team’s body hair and mullocks? And their wrestling skills weren’t any great because Cornette wanted them to wrestle the outdated southern way. And even the top stars that he got involved with like Big Van Vader and Yokozuna, his involvement only downgraded their momentum because of his annoying meddling and directionless approach. Jim Cornette is NOTsuccess story, and he NEVER will. He sure as fuck ain’t no Paul Heyman, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, Ellering, Paul Bearer, Captain Lou Albano, Sensational Sherri, Jimmy Hart, or a Sunny (yeah I went there). They all were able to elevate their wrestlers while Jim Cornette waves his tennis racket and devalue the wrestlers he manages. Almost everything Jim Cornette touches turns to complete shit. The only reason why anyone cares about his opinion is only when a wrestling company makes a mistake or has a bad week. And that again, you’re only listening to a failure that wishes he can change the course of an industry that he once loved. There comes a time where you have to think about the person’s judgemental issues and realize he’s never up to snuff. Opinions maybe assholes, but Jim Cornette is the biggest and most putrid of them all. Like an annoying hipster, Jim Cornette doesn’t know what he wants, he only knows what he hates.

Reasons for Being Overrated

  Bad Gimmick  Burries Talent  Worst Box Office Draw  Pushed Toon Soon  Mediocre Move Set

Can't forget the 'Fabulous Moolah' | The Sumter ItemNumber 1.  – The Fabulous Moolah

I can understand why so many heterosexuals would want to put Trish Stratus as the best female wrestler of all time, but what I don’t understand is why so many neglect what Fabulous Moolah did. Pimping out other female talents, exploiting them for money, stealing their spotlight, and hogging up the WWE’s Women’s championship just for herself. Isn’t there any wonder why women’s wrestling sucked so hard throughout the 20th century? Moolah’s involvement with nearly every aspect of her time in the WWWF/WWF/WWE has done nothing but human traffic other women. The Fabulous Moolah has exploited so many women in wrestling that she should be considered the Harney Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein of professional wrestling. Any face prettier than her’s, any female getting the grows rallied up, any wrestler in the women’s division that manages to outperform Moolah, she’s able to bury them before they even reach their peak. Her insecurities ruined women’s wrestling for many decades. She manages to put so many other wrestlers and other of her thugs that’s part of her connection to rape the female talents and even humiliate them on television. Placing an insecure, powerful figure like Moolah to be the boss of women’s wrestling only exploit the women who wanted to be wrestlers. The stories of Moolah training and manipulating them behind backstage are completely nightmarish to hear. Anyone that fought back at those rapists (like Princess Victoria did), Moolah would completely ruin their careers by blacklisting them out of the business. It’s no wonder why we rarely hear anything from women’s wrestling throughout the 20th century. Look at the tragic story of Georgia Brown. Though she was the first black woman to be a professional wrestler, Moolah sent her men to impregnate her so she can get out of the business. Why? Because Moolah just hated black people. Look what she did to Wendi Richter in the “original screwjob” when posing as the “Spider-Lady.” Just when we were going to have a Hulk Hogan for the female division, Moolah just had to snatch the title from her in a cheap, unscripted victory and ruin her career. Countless women wrestlers got abused more-so than the male wrestlers in McMahon’s company. The only reason why she maintained that much power over other women is because Vince McMahon Jr. is always fond of those who worked with his father, Vince McMahon Sr., and she managed to be the ear for both of them throughout the years.  Women’s wrestling couldn’t have a revival until she was too old and battered up to keep up with the business in the late-90s/early-2000s. Yet she hanged around with Mae Young to exploit themselves as horny senior ladies on television to completely disgust everyone watching on television. Just because Moolah held on the Women’s championship for 3,651 days in total doesn’t mean jackshit that she was ever a good wrestler, instead, it only proves why she buried every talent that deserved it. It’s no wonder why her name got removed for the women’s battle royal for Wrestlemania because everybody & the advertisers know what she has done, yet McMahon is tried to promote another person close to his father, blindly. There are still websites that put Moolah in their “all-time greatest women wrestlers” lists. Really? Despite what she’s done in exploiting people backstage, Moolah is far from entertaining. She’s so stiff and sloppy on her victims, she couldn’t draw without the men being booked in the show, she couldn’t carry a goddamn storyline even if she tried, and she’s just so goddam boring that she’s made herself a freak-show to gather what interest is left of her for more than a half a century! She has NEVER made an impact on the business nor has she ever made one single memorable moment that wasn’t a travesty. Moolah is the prime definition of the most overrated wrestler in the business. Nearly every female wrestler is better than her in every department you can judge a wrestler. It’s just too bad that Moolah passed away before she was ever able to see the metoo movement to come after her and bring justice upon her.

Reasons for Being Overrated

Bad Mic Skills  Bad Gimmick  Burries Talent  Worst Box Office Draw  Pushed Toon Soon  Mediocre Move Set