Category Archives: Pro Wrestling

Don’t tell me that this is fake, this is only scripted only to tell its audience a different kind of story where it has a comic book superhero feel towards a live crowd. This is where grappling is taken artistically.

Top 10 Worst Wrestlemanias of All Time!

What makes a good Wrestlemania? You can judged it like any other wrestling show, you need a great card of matches, makes sure that the structure from jumping to match to match is a good experience (not just watching the good matches), and deliver us with a great main event. That’s what I expect from any wrestling show, but when we’re talking about Wrestlemania, it is the biggest and most important wrestling show, despite what anyone says. No other wrestling show has more attention, better sales, and even historical moments that we wrestling fans like to call “Wrestlemania moments.” I like to look at many of these Wrestlemanias like movies or music albums and I judgement on a similar scale where I watch them from beginning all the way to the end. Unfortunately, I’m here to give you what I think is the worst Wrestlemanias of all time. The worst thing you can possibly do is to make us buy into yourself and make an ass out of yourself by not delivering that was hyped up about. Even though we always say Wrestlemania is the biggest wrestling show in the world and we make comparisons as the Super Bowl of Professional wrestling, that doesn’t mean all of them were good. I have reviewed every single one of the Wrestlemania and the joy and torture I put myself through was to remind myself what was the worst of the worst. And if yo haven’t seen any of them here are all of my reviews on Wrestlemania on the link below.

Wrestlemania Reviews

With that being said, here are the worst of the worst. The wrestling shows that I had the displeasure of putting myself through just witnessing what was supposed to be the best show of all time that all of the sudden became false advertising that didn’t match up to the hype and it didn’t age well years after the show.

Continue reading Top 10 Worst Wrestlemanias of All Time!

Wrestlemania 30 Review

Welcome to 30 years-in-the-making of this wonderful show, and surprisingly enough, it’s not held in the Madison Square Garden, it’s in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome with a bigger attendance that came close to beating Wrestlemania III’s record. This is the time where the WWE is acknowledging the crowd’s desire of having their favorite star, Daniel Bryan, to make it into this show. This is the first Wrestlemania where the WWE Network first aired it live on stream for those who paid the $10 a month charge for the Network. This is also the first Wrestlemania where the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship is combined into one championship called the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (the WWF Undisputed Championship does not count because it’s the WWF Championship and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship combined). This is also the Wrestlemania event where CM Punk did not feature in this Wrestlemania since his Wrestlemania debut in Wrestlemania 23 due to the fact that he left the company from personal issues with backstage politics. There was no better time to make Daniel Bryan the new face of the WWE. I’m a HUGE fan of this Wrestlemania structure because it almost felt like Wrestlemania 10 & 20 combined, where Bret Hart wrestle twice in the opening match & the main event of Wrestlemania X and Chris Benoit won the triple threat main event in Wrestlemania XX. This is the night where Daniel Bryan was set off to repeat history and that’s what the fans wanted the most. But it’s also not the only thing that everyone remembers about this Wrestlemania. So far, everyone is completely reactionary towards this show, but this is my review on the 30th Wrestlemania!

Before there was a single match, Wrestlemania began with Hulk Hogan hosting the show, then Stone Cold Steve Austin came in the same ring with Hogan to cut a promo together. Then finally, The Rock came in to even further the hype opening the show. It was absolute magic to see three of the WWE’s biggest stars still alive today just to cut a promo together. Even though Hulk Hogan mixed up the Skydome to the Super Dome, it didn’t even diminish the experience of what we were witnessing. It also didn’t’ really matter what they were talking about but we got a chance to see each of their catchphrases, drink beer, and make a Wrestlemania moment, before we even got our first match underway. This has became one of the best segments that Wrestlemania has ever had and it’s a hell of a way to start Wrestlemania XXX!
Segment Score: 5/5

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H (with Stephanie McMahon) – The build-up for Daniel Bryan to be our next biggest star was some of the most anticipated in the WWE and it was perfect to have Triple H and the authorities (and the breakfast club) to go against the “Yes” movement and keep Daniel Bryan from winning the most prestigious title ever again. The stipulation for this match is the winner of this match will be main event with Batista and Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. I love the fact that this had to be the opening match because it’s extremely reminiscent to Bret vs. Owen in Wrestlemania X just to have Bret Hart enter the main event later one in the night. Though this is not as good as Bret Hart vs. Own Hart opening match, it’s been a long time since Wrestlemania 21 since we had a fantastic opener. Rumor has it that the HHH-Bryan match was going to be a draw so it would had been a fatal four way. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. This was an old-school fashioned technical brawl that was surprisingly good! Bryan came in with a damaged shoulder wearing bandages around the arm and Triple H wanted nothing more than to damage it. It’s was pretty interesting that Stephanie McMahon was very part of the match as these two competitors, not because she interfered (she didn’t), but the cameramen focused a lot on the million dollar princess and we needed to her the many evil words she’s saying to Bryan while routing for Triple H. The beating that Triple H was putting over Bryan looked extremely painful and you could almost felt the shots he was giving to Bryan. Hell, he was more ruthless and vicious than his last year’s Wrestlemania match with Brock Lesnar, and there was no weapon involved throughout this match. But Bryan used the same tactics that he learned from Ring of Honor when he kept using brilliant submission holds and lightweight moves like there’s no tomorrow. The whole crowd kept chanting “Yes! Yes! Yes!” for Bryan and “No! No! No!” for Triple H. I haven’t seen HHH get so much heat since his days in the McMahon-Hemsley Era. This match deserved to be close to that half an hour mark because we were seeing the best out of Daniel Bryan. And he won in a clean victory by knocking out Triple H with the running knee and the crowd roared the Bryan won. Thankfully, it didn’t end in a draw to make it a fatal four way. And I especially love the fact that Stephanie McMahon slapped Bryan in the ring only to have HHH sneak attack Bryan and damage his shoulder with a chair against the ring post. It was brilliant to make the audience doubt that Bryan can survive through the main event, but you couldn’t start and end this match any other way!
Match Score: 5/5

The Shield (Dean AmbroseSeth Rollins and Roman Reigns) vs. Kane and The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) – This is where I get my critics hat on and say that putting the Shield against the likes of Kane and New Age Outlaws… I mean Mid-age Outlaws because they should of had the Wyatts as their 6-man tag opponents. Of course, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn had to be somewhere in the card because they’re Triple H’s D-Generation-X buddies and they had to get their share. There was so much prediction that this could have been the night where the Shield breaks up because of all the downfalls each of them were having with each other. But thankfully, that also didn’t happen and they won it by giving a 2 man-triple powerboat on the Mid-Age Outlaws and made the victory! For what we got, it was a poorly booked card that should have been Shield vs Wyatt Family, that resulted in a satisfying way. Either way, it was much better than the Shield last Wrestlemania match, that’s for sure!
Match Score: 3/5

André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal – The only good thing that came out of Wrestlemania 2 was the Battle Royal in which Andre the Giant won. This Battle Royal, however, was dedicated to the legend. Admittely, there was so much going on in this match that kinda was forgettable on who got eliminated except for the final 6 men. But there are a couple of memorable things in this match that I certainly will remember. Whenever Kofi Kingston get into a match like this one (especially in Royal Rumble) he always gets a miraculous save where gets off of ringside but not eliminated because both of his feet didn’t touch the floor. We was push up in the air and had his feet land on the steel steps showing that he’s still in this match. Of course, he get eliminated. Then one thing to remember about this Battle Royal was the final two men was Big Show and Antonio Cesaro. Everybody though that Big Show was going to win this Battle Royal because he’s been compared many times to Andre the Giant, but he’s never as good or as memorable as the guy. Just when we was about to eliminate Antonio, Antonio turned the tables and gave Big Show a legendary bodyslam out of the ring. That was a fantastic victory and it’s definitely what you call a “Wrestlemania moment.” Antonio became a bigger name after that Battle Royal because earlier in the dark match, he broke up with Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter to start off his promising solo career. The best part after that bodyslam out of the ring was when Big Show shook hands with Antonio to bring honor to a memorial for Andre.
Match Score: 4/5

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan) – After three awesome matches, it was bound to happen that we were going to get a bad match. This is unfortunately a surprisingly good match that had a horrible finish. This Bray Wyatt’s opportunity to actually shine here in Wrestlemania. The story behind this is the fact that the Wyatt family is trying to expose John Cena as a monster and they wanted to make him snap. Out of ALL of John Cena’s matches, this is the only one where I was convinced that the storytelling was extremely well told. Constantly you see Bray Wyatt trying mock and tempt Cena to fight dirty on a live audience and had to destroy Bray Wyatt in the most inhuman way. Bray was not scared of John Cena. In fact, he was creepy as all hell, trying to leave himself open and even sacrifice his own moral body for Cena to destroy him, just to prove and expose that John Cena is as bad if not worst than Bray Wyatt. You could see Cena just fighting his urge to destroy Bray and have his point proven but he had to also fight Harper and Rowan in ring side. It was sweet to see Harper crashed through the barricade, and even Cena was tempted to use steel steps against Bray. Unfortunatley, we were never going to have our heel turn and make the product different. John Cena is so selfish never turning heel like in 2003 and he never could ever let Bray over. I’m very disappointed to see John Cena to give Bray the FU and make this modern era in WWE just the same as before because he so damn reluctant to change. This is not good on a fan stand point and not good in the business stand point because Cena is going to continuously deliver the same garbage that he always had and this match on the biggest stage of them all should have just let Bray have his Wrestlemania moment. If potential stars like the Wyatts are not going to have a push because the Cena’s too damn selfish to let other go over, then we’re never going to get as many new stars as we hope for. But all I can say is THANK GOD that Cena was not the main event otherwise this will be the same shit all over again.
Match Score: 2/5

Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) vs. The Undertaker – Earlier I said that Wrestlemania 30 was supposed to be Daniel Bryan’s night, however nobody is talking about Bryan because of what happened in this match. This one here has got to be one of the worst matches in Wrestlemania history and one of the biggest tragedies of Wrestlemania history. It’s wondrous to see that Brock Lesnar has given us one of the worst Wrestlemania match ten years ago in Wrestlemania 20 and he did the same thing again. I’ll give him credit, at least he wasn’t standing awkwardly in this match. There were no surprises, no story involved, and even no suspense going on in this match. The whole stadium and even the commentators were all dead silent in this match because it was so damn boring and so predictable at the point where we weren’t even paying attention. Part of it is because there was barely any build-up, except for chokeslamming Brock through the table in an episode of Raw, but that’s really it. You can really see that Undertaker didn’t’ give a shit in this match because he wasn’t intense, he didn’t make any fast pace movements, and he was just too submissive to Brock that we didn’t care. I mean how was a chokeslam and a Tombstone Piledriver not get a reaction is beyond me. Nobody was even surprised to see those three F-5 connected. The whole audience didn’t believe for a damn second that Brock Lesnar would ever end the streak…

…I’m complete lost for words… the streak just ended like that?! NO!!! JUST NO!!! THIS HAS GOT TO BE A BAD JOKE!! NO!!!
I can’t believe Brock was chosen to end the streak! You’re telling me that a part timer like Brock that couldn’t care less for the business and have the privilege to actually end the streak?!  Don’t even put Undertaker as a part-timer, at least ‘Taker never left the company! Every single person in that stadium had their mind’s blown at what they’ve just seen. I can go far as to say that John Cena is more worthy to end the streak than Brock who loves his UFC career more than his time in the WWE. I know that the streak would end eventually, but if it really was going to end, it would have to have a great story involved, believability that Undertaker was going to loose to this guy as the build up, and most of all, put some effort in the match from breaking the streak. What is an insult to me is the fact that all those men that tried to end the streak was all worth for nothing. The epic storyline with Shawn Michaels being defeated in Wrestlemania 25, had a rematch that retired Shawn in Wrestlemania 26, had his best friend Triple H to have vengeance for retiring Shawn in Wrestlemania 27, and culminate a grand story finale with all three of those men now letting this go in Wrestlemania 28 was the most meaningful moment of the WWE for me. And they had to end Undertaker’s journey in Wrestlemania 30 where there was barely any build up to this match.
I know what you’re probably asking, well how would you end the Lesnar-Undertaker match in Wrestlemania 30. You know, I would still keep that idea of Undertaker getting his ass kicked an no longer can keep on with the streak and have motherfucking Sting (who just left TNA Wrestling) to come in and save Undertaker and let the streak go in 22-0. It would have been a THE Wrestlemania moment if Sting points his bat to Undertaker and say, I want you in Wrestlemania 31 to end your streak. Everybody! And I mean EVERYBODY still wants that Sting vs. Undertaker match since the 1990s when WCW was still around. Sting still is the biggest & most popular wrestler that never worked with Vince McMahon and the WWE and it was a complete miss opportunity to not have Sting in the WWE roster and face Undertaker in Wrestlemania 31. This is more disappointing than the Invasion Angle to not finish in Wrestlemania X8, this is more disappointing than not have Hogan vs. Austin in Wrestlemania 19, this is sure just as disappointing as the Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar match in Wrestlemania XX, and hell, this is as disappointing as the Montreal Screwjob! We were all robbed in this match and for all those who says that this was how the streak should end, or they say we should respect Undertaker’s call, or if this was the somehow (in some stupid reason) was a great booking decision are completely wrong on so many levels! Just how much longer is Brock going to stay and wrestle for the WWE now that he ended the streak? This match just did not have at all a good reaction. The whole stadium was in complete disbelieve that they’re seeing 21-1 on the screens and witness Undertaker’s demise. Yes, it succeeded in taking our breath away and yes, it was the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history, and yes, it was historic! But the booking decision and especially Undertaker’s decision just took away the magic! This is one of the main reason why people come into Wrestlemania and see who’s worthy enough to take on the WWE’s best performer. There is no other sport on Earth that has ever had a great streak like Undertaker. NFL, NHL, NBA, NBL, and all the other sports you can name doesn’t have a team or an athlete that can make make a streak the lasted as long as two decades and that’s what make Wrestling itself so special. It was the fact that Undertaker carried something incredibly special in the wrestling world that no other fucking sport, entertainment, or media ever has and it just ended without any awareness. I don’t care if Undertaker broke his neck and had to the hospital with Vince McMahon for assistance, it was absolutely not right to have someone as egomaniacal, selfish, and lazy as Brock Lesnar who left the company after Wrestlemania XX and then ten years later, he once again made a disastrous finish and plans to leave the same company once again. We all know that Undertaker wanted to end the streak but why he chose Brock Lesnar is beyond whatever the fuck reason that cannot compute! Look, I love and respect the Undertaker, as much as you all do, but just like loving your family members, that doesn’t’ mean that they’re right all the time. I’m not saying the steak should never end, it was bound to happen, all I’m saying it pass down a torch to someone who will carry on the company as much as Undertaker has. Apparently, there are so many who are worthy to end the streak like John Cena, Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns, and especially Sting. If there was ever going to be anything like the streak, it would have to take another 2 decades to build up a star that can be equivalent to Undertaker’s legacy. For the fact that this was a bad storyline, a bad opponent, and even a bad match, the streak deserved a better ending than this one. For what it was, it was a compete tragedy and there’s no turning back to make it better.
Match Score: -1/5 (My lowest score) 

Divas Championship Invitational – I feel incredibly sorry for the entire Diva division who had to follow up on this match after a tragic Undertaker vs. Lesnar match. Considering that the whole audience was still at awe and flabbergasted, they couldn’t get involved with this match at all.  All these women wrestlers tried to damnedest to show what they’re made of and tried to entertain the audience but because it was placed after one of the most tragic Wrestlemania moments in history. I especially feel bad for AJ Lee who’s actually making her very first Wrestlemania match against the entire Diva’s division and proved that she had what it takes to keep her title as the longest reigning Diva’s champion in the company’s history. I also feel back for Vickie who’s making her last WWE appearance and nobody can give a flying fuck about what happened in the previous match. After devoting so much television time trying to make AJ a big of a star in the company (and possibly the entire women’s division) she never got a chance to shine. I can never imagine an entire division had to suffer greatly because what happened in the previous match. This SERIOUSLY damaged the WWE’s Women division so severe that there’s really no hope for the women’s wrestling to survive in the later years without any recognition in Wrestlemania. The girls went out there and did the best that they could and God bless all of them, this was a tough ass spot to be in. They all deserve better to trying to give life to an already dying division that’s now diminished its credibility even further.
Match Score: 3/5

Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista – WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Thankfully there was not a moment too soon for this main event go underway because God know we needed this match to save everyone’s night. And that’s exactly what this match did. Somehow we have to get our minds out of the this tragedy and get right on with what we paid to see. This match to me is like the triple threat match in Wrestlemania 20 and you all know who special that main event was for me. Ten years later in the triple threat match in Wrestlemania 30, lightning struck twice. Daniel Bryan had to wrestle his damnedest against Triple H to get this spot in the main event card and there was no perfect time to have the “Yes movement” to finally reach its goal. I had my speculations that this could have ended tragically with either not having Daniel Bryan not win the match or somehow start to have a heel turn like Austin did in Wrestlemania 17. Miraculously, Daniel Bryan did not go through any last minute booking bullshit and just went out there with a damaged shoulder as the biggest babyface you can imagine. This daring individual is wrestling the breakfast club with Orton and Bootista to show what it mean to be the common man and reach our goals. Somehow, I just had that feeling like I was brought back ten years ago when I wanted Chris Benoit to win at Wrestlemania XX, I had the same emotions here. I really did feel like this was going to be that moment all over again while still suspecting that this was going to end anticlimactically. But wouldn’t you know, Bryan wrestled like crazy against these two individuals. I couldn’t describe how invested I was watching this match. I especially loved it that Triple H came back to the ring to interfere the match and gave him a sledgehammer and even Orton and Bootista gave Bryan an RKO-Batista Bomb through the announcer’s table that shocked the living hell out of me. He was getting stretchered out of the match, but he refused to give up and continued the match. That was not to say that Orton and Batista made this a handicap for Bryan, the sure as hell wrestled better than any of their Wrestlemania matches when they were involved. Because everyone in this match created the most chaotic triple threat imaginable, it was as hell highly entertaining. So many of use Brian Danielson fans from Ring of Honor who has supported him throughout his entire career to make it this far, was like a journey for us and this match was like trying to enter Mount Mordor with all the possibilities that our hero can fail. But load and behold, as soon as Randy Orton got out of the way, Daniel Bryan got Bootista in the yes-lock and made him tap (and for everyone who booed Batista at Royal Rumble 2014 he deserved it). This is the second time in my life where I wanted something form the WWE (first was to have the Rock beat Cena at Wrestlemania 28) and they gave me Daniel Bryan as our new WWE World Heavyweight Champion and the victor of Wrestlemania XXX. It was like Wrestlemania 20 all over again where I wanted so desperately for Chris Benoit to win a decade ago, but I can’t look back at it because it’s so tragic after what he did that ruined that moment. A decade later, the WWE did it once again with another common man that deserved it! Daniel Bryan was ruling the night and left us with a big bang. Once Undertaker’s steak was over, Daniel Bryan had to save the show, and by God, that’s what exactly what he did.
Match Score: 6/5

Image result for wrestlemania 30 daniel bryanWrestlemania 30, 30 years in the making was (either bad or good) a memorable Wrestlemania. This is the night that everyone will remember that the streak ended in the worst way imaginable, but it had our hero Daniel Bryan to save the show, in both the beginning and the end. This show showed the best and the worst of the WWE. Wrestlemania 30 is both a tragedy and a compete satisfying show. It’s tragic because Undertaker’s streak ended in the worst way imaginable, John Cena still is reluctant to change as he always does, and The Sheild deserved better opponents. But on WWE’s best side of thing, they gave us a segment with Hogan, Rock, and Stone Cold, allow Antonio Cesaro eliminated Big Show with a bodyslam, and to have Daniel Bryan to become the star of the show to have a fantastic opening match and saved the show with an awesome finish by winning the main event. There’s something that’s respectable and likable about Daniel Bryan who started from scratch and won it all in the 30th grandest stage of them all. Throughout Brian Danielson’s life he was told that he wasn’t big enough, he wasn’t good enough, and he wasn’t special enough to achieve his dream, but he never slowed down. He went full force against the authorities who tried to keep him and all the fans down, and this was the moment to rebel and let the common man just achieve his dream. Wrestlemania is all about achieving dreams and that’s what Wrestlemania XXX truly represents. 2013 to early 204 was a horrible year of being a wrestling fan because we had to endure horrible booking decisions especially on Daniel Bryan, but the people’s chants for Bryan never stopped. All the hijacking and rebelling we’ve done to put the company in the right direction (especially when CM Punk left the company because of the exact reason) was well deserved to make them do the right thing. Believe it or not, putting Daniel Bryan as main event was not the original plan, make no mistake about it, but once the company listens to its customers, they had an opportunity to deliver and what a way to go! There were so many instances where I was reminded of Bret Hart at Wrestlemania X and Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania XX, that gave me a real sense of joy just seeing the same thing happen to Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania XXX. There were VERY bad moments and VERY good moments in Wrestlemania 30, but ultimately, it was a historic show and that’s what a Wrestlemania needs after 30 years of changing people’s lives!

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 30


Now that I’m officially finished reviewing every Wrestlemania, it’s time to do several of lists of the Best and Worst of Wrestlemania! Be sure to check them out!

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Wrestlemania 29 Review

The Shield (Dean AmbroseSeth Rollins and Roman Reigns) vs. Randy OrtonSheamus, and Big Show – The Shield has got to be one of the best factions in the WWE since Evolution, but what makes them so special is the fact that they started as no names to now one of the most talented individuals that the WWE has ever had. And Ambrose, Rollis, and Reigns had to show their out most damnedest to prove why they’re one of the best three man factions. When Sheamus went to hot tag Big Show, Orton tagged himself in the match instead. He was cleaning house as he hit a RKO on Seth Rollins, who came off the top rope. But that allowed Roman Reigns to hit Orton with a Spear. Sheamus was out on the floor during all this. Ambrose covered Orton to win the match for his team after 10 minutes. Big Show looked on from the corner during all of that. Sure, they didn’t win this match with a clean victory, but it was to establish why this three man team should be taken seriously. From here on out, The Shield was able have many more victories and achievements after this show and seeing the Shield was some of the best parts of watching the WWE today
Match Score: 4/5

Mark Henry vs. Ryback – Mark Henry didn’t get himself a singles match in a Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 22 with Undertaker. He’s a mid-carder at best even despite the fact that he was “The World’s Strongest Man” and had to wrestle with a lesser mid-carder like Ryback. Ryback is one of the most overrated wrestlers in the WWE because he’s not that strong and his gimmick is pathetic at best. He couldn’t even pick up Tensai (A-Train) and he barely picked up Henry on his back. This match dragged that almost hit the ten minute mark. But surprisingly, when Ryback was about to use his Samoa Drop finisher, Mark Henry slipped and fell right on Ryback on the floor and made the three count for the win! This match would have been a complete bore but that was fortunately the best finish of the night and the most surpassing moment of the whole show.
Match Score: 3/5

Wrestlemania-29-Digitals-4-7-13-aj-lee-34191997-1284-722Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) (c) vs Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston (with AJ Lee) – WWE Tag Team Championship – dAnd now we come to the best match of the entire show. The whole WWE universe wanted Daniel Bryan to be the top star and his team-up with Kane as Team Hell No was definitely the WWE’s best tag team in the division. It was fantastic to have them face off Dolph Ziggler and Big E because he still has grudges against his former girlfriend AJ Lee who was responsible for the shortest match from last year’s Wrestlemania. Ziggler got a kiss from AJ at the start of the match. Bryan kicked Ziggler as a nod to last year at WM when Bryan lost the World Title in that spot. He rolled up Ziggler for a two count. Really loud “yes” chants from the crowd as Bryan got in a lot of kicks on Ziggler. Ziggler tagged in Langston while Bryan brought in Kane. Langston gave Kane three backbreakers in a row to show how strong he is. Langston hit a running body attack on Kane to knock him down. The heels made quick tags as they worked over Kane, but Kane came back with a nice DDT on Langston. Ziggler knocked Bryan off the apron and Kane came back with a sidewalk slam on Ziggler. Kane missed the top rope clothesline because Ziggler moved. Why don’t more people move?

Ziggler went for  Fameasser, but it didn’t connect that well. Still got a two count. Kane came back with a nearfall on Ziggler. Langston broke that up with a splash on Kane. Kane sent Langston outside the ring, so Bryan hit Langston in the head with a knee. Ziggler with a Zig Zag on Kane for just two. Great nearfall. AJ distracted the ref. Kane avoided a briefcase shot and gave Ziggler a Chokelsam. Bryan tagged in and hit the Flying Headbutt on Ziggler, which was good for the win. That was a tag match full of energy with a hot crowd that was reacting to everything very well. Just like last year at WrestleMania the “yes” chants were very loud. I thought it was time to take the tag titles off of Bryan & Kane, but that didn’t happen. The announcers did a good job of reacting in an over the top way to everything Langston did. By doing that they put over his power. The story of the match was about how Bryan & Kane continue to work well as a team that has held the tag titles for over six months now. I think it’s fair to say they have been booked well as the tag champs and the titles seem important again. This match really makes up for that disappointing Bryan match last year! More importantly, this was the best tag team match in Wrestlemania in a long time!
Match Score: 5/5

Fandango vs. Chris Jericho – I think it was a ridiculous business and booking decision to have Fandango so hyped up without even having a match in the WWE. It would have made sense  if his character was actually taken like a real wrestler instead of a dancer gimmick. And it’s also a shame that Chris Jericho had to face a rookie like Fandango. Jericho is a legendary star and he has so much to offer than to give this poor wrestler a push, especially in a wrestlemania. Even though I’m not a fan of this match, I will admit that this match had great in-ring work because both men where doing high flying flips and showmen style wrestling. The finish was pretty poor where Jericho went for the Walls of Jericho, but  Fandango countered with an inside cradle to win. If you wanted us to take Fandango seriously, you better give him his clean victory.
Match Score: 2/5

Alberto Del Rio (c) (with Ricardo Rodriguez) vs. Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) – World Heavyweight Championship – I admit that the heel heat between Zeb Colter and Swagger because they were so racist that it’s offensive and this whole match was all about the racist remarks on ADR’s Mexican ethnicity. An intense match to kick it off.  Swagger would apply the Patriot Lock.  Del Rio countered and locked on the Cross-Arm-Bar, but Swagger broke out and locked on another Patriot Lock.  Del Rio hit the ropes. There was loud “We Want Ziggler” chants during the match.  Swagger went for the Swagger Bomb, but Del Rio rolled through and planted Swagger with a big kick to the head.  Del Rio hit a running enziguri kick, but Colter put Del Rio’s foot on the ropes. Ricardo went after Colter, but Colter kicked RR low.  Del Rio now went after Colter, but Swagger attacked Del Rio from behind, and retook control.  Swagger aggressively threw Del Rio into the barrier. Swagger threw Del Rio into the security wall. Back in the ring, Swagger thought he was in control, but Del Rio applied the Cross Armbreaker and got the tap out victory. This was an okay match. Nothing surprising nor was it special.
Match Score: 3/5 

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk (with Paul Heyman) – I’m still sticking with my guns saying that the Team Hell No match was the best match of the night. This one here is the second best match of Wrestlemania 29. This match didn’t have much of a story involved because it’s more or less like another “I’m here to end the streak” type of storyline that has happened throughout Wrestlemania since Undertaker’s reign. Punk was a good choice to face taker, but I still don’t think he’s worthy enough to even try to end the streak and forgetting about how much he was pissed about The Rock taking the WWE Championship away from him. Because of the fact that CM Punk just didn’t have much of a good Wrestlemania moment and he didn’t love being in the company as much as Undertaker did. That’s why he had to go far as to mocking Paul Bearer’s death (he actually passed away) just to make take himself seriously as an opponent. This wouldn’t be the first controversial remark that CM Punk has made because he also mock Jerry Lawer’s heart attack. This feud couldn’t even cold the candle between Undertaker-HHH-HBK. But thankfully, this is not one of the worst Undertaker’s worst matches because he was able to keep his stamina to do all of his signature moves, but CM Punk was able to deliver something different in this ‘Taker’s match with reversals and high risk moves that was different from any other Undertaker’s Wrestlemania opponents. There are a couple of flaws in this match like CM Punk not breaking the announcer’s table with that diving elbow from the top rope. CM Punk really was a different breed in comparison to Undertaker’s opponents, but I wouldn’t believe that he could kick out of anything like a Tombstone. All Punk could to is reverse those Chokeslams, Tombstones, Last Rides, and Hell’s Gate. The crowd is really into this match, as they should be. They started with showman signature moves, to high flying action, to all out brawling. Undertaker went for a choke, so Punk hit the ref in the face “accidentally” on purpose. Punk hit his running knee in the corner. Undertaker was going for the Last Ride as Heyman gave Punk the urn. Punk hit Undertaker in the head with it. He covered by folding Undertaker’s arms on his chest. One…two…no! Another awesome nearfall. Punk did the  Undertaker’s famous throat slash. GTS didn’t work. Undertaker countered, got to his feet, hit the Tombstone, folded Punk’s arms on his chest and covered for the win after 22 minutes. That’s 21-0 for Undertaker at WrestleMania. This was a fair Undertaker match in comparison to his other Wrestlemania matches, but CM Punk is a great choice for Taker’s 21st victory at Wrestlemania.
Match Score: 4/5

Triple H (with Shawn Michaels) vs. Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) – No Holds Barred Match – We haven’t had Brock Lesnar back in the Wrestlemania since his awful match with Goldberg in Wrestlemania 20. This feud went far back from when Lesnar got defeated from Extreme Rules and wanted all the special treatment from the WWE. Until, HHH says he couldn’t get any special treatment that resulted in getting his arm broken. Triple H fully recovered in Summerslam and wanted revenge. He lost the match with another broken arm and got his rematch in Wrestlemania. I give both men credit for putting on such a great match for two reasons. First of all, there was their highly anticipated Summerslam match (which I didn’t see, unfortunately) and I’m pretty sure many fans were less interested in this one. Second, they had to follow the great match that was Undertaker vs. CM Punk. They did, however, pull it off. It’s almost everything that I wanted to see in a hardcore match; hard bumps, creative usage of weapons, and decent storytelling. This truly was an intense bout, with both men throwing everything they had at each other. Brock even managed to throw Triple H through the seemingly unbreakable announce table. Both men locked in the Kimura Lock three times. It all ended when Triple H used the sledgehammer and hit The Pedigree on the steel steps. It was truly a fun match.
Match Score: 4/5

John Cena vs. The Rock (c) – WWE Championship – If there’s ever a match that should never had a rematch, it would have to be Rock-Cena all over again. The reason that is is because we already established that the Rock is a better wrestler and you can’t strike lighting twice. If Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels in Wrestlemania 26 couldn’t be better than their first match in Wrestlemania 25, how was this match ever going to be a better rematch? The whole crowd knows that Cena was going to win because the WWE went back to shoving Cena even more down our throats and give an official good by to the Rock by taking the WWE Championship off his waist. If anything, it should have been CM Punk vs. The Rock III in Wrestlemania and beat the rock and have John Cena vs. Undertaker with Cena defeated. I honestly think it was just to have John Cena to get his come-upings. Everyone in the stadium wasn’t as intensified as last year’s Wrestlemania event that was a once in a life time deal. It was almost identical from their first match together, only with a less enthusiastic reaction towards what’s going on in this match. Ultimately, it was underwhelming to see this rematch to happen because it was there were less surprises happening and it was predictable that Cena was going to win. Even despite the fact that Cena won the match, he’s still not better than the Rock. It’s similar to how the Rock beat Hogan in Wrestlemania 18, but Hogan beat Rock in No Way Out 2003; the first time is what everyone remembers, the rematch is forgettable. And so was this main event. It was a weak finish to have the Rock and Cena shake hands at the end that had a couple of boos coming out from the audience, and that’s not good.
Match Score: 2/5

This Wrestlemania is in the middle, there are good in it nothing terrible, but ultimately it’s forgettable. It’s for the fact that this Wrestlemania just couldn’t hold the candle with Wrestlemania 28, but they had to do the main even all over again. Sadly, we had to endure a less electrifying rematch, a stupid Fandango push, a bad segments of the show that didn’t feel like it fit the show. If anything, we should have had CM Punk vs. The Rock for the third time so that way CM Punk can be pushed as a star instead of Cena “redeeming” his stature, like he actually needed it (sarcasm). What’s funny is the episode of Raw after this Wrestlemania was much more memorable than this show because Dolf Ziggler won the World Heavyweight Championship, So much heat on Cena, the audience sings Fandango’s theme, Big E Langston won the Intercontinental Championship, and the crowd reaction was the best that the WWE has ever had! What’s even more funny is that episode of Raw was more memorable than Wrestlemania 29. Wrestlemania 29 played it a bit too safe and just didn’t’ put any serious rick involved with it. A lot of people are a big generous of this show, many of them says the show sucks, but I’m in the serious between. I didn’t’ really get an all time great Wrestlemania moment of the show and that’s what this Wrestlemania is seriously lacking. The only match that I really liked was Team Hell No vs. Big E & Ziggler because it was electrifying, but sadly, you can see matches like that one in an episode of RAW. This is a Wrestlemania that’s left to be desired and because it was just an okay show; it’s nothing to truly love or hate.

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 29


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Wrestlemania 28 Review

Wrestlemania 27 was all about hyping up the next Wrestlemania because The Rock vs. John Cena match was going to come true. After we had to dealt with the awful Wrestlemania last year that turned out to be a commercial for this Wrestlemania! The pressure was on the WWE to deliver something big as this. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen the Rock wrestle since Wrestlemania 20 (if you forget the Cena/Rock tag match in Survivor Series) and the build-up for this match was similar to Hogan vs. Rock in Wrestlemania 18. Old fans and newer fans of the WWE have debated for the longest time to see if Rock was better or Cena or is Cena better than Rock. After so much heated debate, the WWE finally given us a once in a lifetime dream match. Though this card is looked as a one-match-card like many Wrestlemanias before it, this Wrestlemania had plenty of matches in it that was as well as anticipating. For the longest time, the WWE has had poorly booked so many Wrestlemanias since Wrestlemania 23 and the worst of it was Wrestlemania 27. This is the Wrestlemania that needed to properly structure itself into that big show like the best ‘Manias in the past. Thankfully, this card was certainly structured properly and the matches that they’ve delivered were all something to behold and remember.

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (c) (with AJ Lee) – World Heavyweight Championship – This match is infamous for being much shorter than expected. Last year’s Wrestlemania match, these two were place in the dark match and finally we have an opportunity to put these two in the Wrestlemania card! We’re talking about the WWE’s most talented individual facing someone like Sheamus. Just like Wrestlemania last year, the World title is our opening show of the card; even diminishing the championship’s credibility. Wrestlemania is a show where stars are established to a mass audience and it was the perfect opportunity to show Daniel Bryan’s talents. But no! Sheamus had to give Bryan the big boot after he kissed AJ Lee and made a pinfall victory. I don’t mind if Sheamus was going to beat Daniel Bryan, but not this way! 18 seconds of a match didn’t break any records (especially for a Wrestlemania) and it pushed Daniel further from stardom. I mean sure, when we first saw the match the whole crowd exploded because they’ve never expected that to happen and I even got the same reaction. But Daniel Bryan didn’t deserve any of this. The only positive that I can give to this disappointing match is that it was Daniel Bryan’s first memorable Wrestlemania moment, and that’s not a good thing. Besides, the following pay-per-view, Extreme Rules, these two actually had a match that SHOULD have been in Wrestlemania! I’m not sure if this was a great way to open the show, but at least the whole audience roared from a big surprised like this one.
Match Score: 2/5

Kane vs. Randy Orton – The funny thing is that fan were chanting for Daniel Bryan “Yes”, in this match because people wanted to see more of that match besides this one. And the especially knew that this match was dull between Kane and Randy. The audience hijacked the match knowing that it was boring, but I think they worked a good enough match at this stage of Kane’s career considering that he has been in a lot of pointless matches since Wrestlemania 23. The finish comes when Randy is ready to hit a move from the top rope, but Kane regains himself and is able to hit the Chokeslam from the top rope. Kane is the victor in this match and rightfully so. I was a little surprised that Kane won this match, but I was even more surprised that Kane got the clean victory. As I’ve said for a while, Kane’s return has been a little underwhelming, so he needed this victory a lot more than Randy. With Kane’s victory, a rematch between these two seems to be the next thing to do. Extreme Rules is next month, so I expect some type of gimmick match when that time comes.
Match Score: 3/5

Big Show vs. Cody Rhodes (c) – Intercontinental Championship – Can you believe that this is the third match and we are only a half hour in the show? Like the Kane/Randy match, Cody and Show make the match work in the best way possible. It’s a little more challenging because of the obvious size difference, but it was fair. With this match, I was mostly searching for something passable, which I did get. The finish comes when Cody hits the Beautiful Disaster, but Show is still standing. Cody is going for a second BD until Show is able to counter with a Spear. Did you see the spear? Show tackled Cody’s crotch. That’s a little close for comfort, don’t you think? Show finally hits the imitation Falcon Punch and we have new IC champion. So, you spear his sack and take his championship too? Show is playing dirty tonight. As I said in the Rundown, I was for Cody dropping the title. As long as Cody was going to move up the corporate ladder, then it made sense to drop the IC title. However, I’m still not too thrilled on Show being IC championship. What can he add to the title at this stage? I hope it’s one of those small championship reigns.
Match Score: 3/5

Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres – The only thing that I can say that was a focus on this match was that Eve Torres had a storyline involving a love triangle between John Cena and Zack Ryder. I love that she has gotten the most heat in the entire women’s roster because she cheated on Cena with a man in wheelchair. The fans chanted in this match “Ho-skie” because it was a name Cena called her when he Zack Ryder as a friend. But for the match itself, it was exactly as you expected from the lousy effort that the Women’s Wrestlemania matches go. Is there a single person that works for WWE that thinks that this match was better than doing Beth vs. Natalya in a singles match that would have also got the seven minutes that this match got? It’s not like anybody bought the show because Maria Menounos was wrestling. We also didn’t care about the match in the stadium as evidenced by the random “YES!” chants we did to keep ourselves entertained. So what’s the advantage of having her not only be on the show, but to also beat the Divas Champion? With all of that said, I did like Maria’s Greek ring gear because I’m also Greek. Doesn’t mean I want to see her wrestle ever again. Poor Beth had to walk out to Eve’s music before the match too. This division can be so much more. I wish they’d realize how easily that can be done. Maria pinned Beth with a rollup after about 6 minutes. They built up the finish well and Kelly’s top rope flip splash was very impressive. Otherwise, there wasn’t a lot to get excited about.
Match Score: 1/5

Image result for wrestlemania 28 hell in a cell

The Undertaker vs. Triple H – Hell in a Cell Match 

One reason why I did not like the HHH-Undertaker match last year was that it was too slow, HHH just wanted to do what Shawn Michaels experienced with Taker in Wrestlemania 25 & 26, and the whole match was to build up for a rematch for this Wrestlemania. Thankfully this rematch is SO much better than the second HHH-Undertaker match (first was in Wrestlemania 17). There hasn’t been a Hell in a Cell match held in Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 15 and this was perfect for an fierce rivalry that went all the way back from Wrestlemania 25 when Shawn Michaels got defeated. Speaking of which, Shawn Michaels came in as the special guest referee to even make the storytelling in this match a lot better because Undertaker retired him from this sport. After watching this match, all I can say is “Wow”. This match really blew my mind. Even before the match started, it blew my mind to see Undertaker takes off his hood to show that he cut his hair incredibly short.

As the Cell descends, you could feel the atmosphere like something epic is going to happen. These two knew exactly what we wanted and delivered the kind of physical brawl that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Almost quarter of the show was dedicated to Taker,  HHH was dominating the match in the early going and constantly you can see Shawn Michaels reacting emotionally because he’s involved making a decision between the man that he respects for beating him in two Wrestlemanias versus his best friend. You can see it constantly where Shawn Michaels had to ask either one of the men wants to give up and each says no. Even he had to try to calm Triple H down from actually killing him. He wanted desperately to end this match sooner before anything worse can happen in this match. And it certainly does. You can already see the nasty marks on Undertaker’s back from all the chairshots he had to endure while Triple H was bleeding like a stuffed pig. And the match gotten so chaotic that it even knocked Shawn Michaels out by Undertaker with the Hell’s Gate. For that moment, you can feel which side is Shawn was picking and after the new referee came in and got knocked out. Shawn Michaels came back up giving Undertaker a Sweat Chin Music and Triple H applied that Pedigree. You can tell that the match went too far for Shawn Michaels, but Undertaker didn’t give up as he rose back from a near fall.

The finale of this match was fantastic where Triple H was about to use the sledgehammer once more but Undertaker stepped on his hand holding the sledgehammer and gave him a Tombstone. That last tombstone made this show a historic night as Shawn raised Undertaker’s hand as the victor. The two have a moment and hug in the ring. Taker finally does his signature victory pose and it seems we are finally done, but HHH is still down in the middle of the ring. Taker and Shawn help HHH to his feet and help him to the back. Before they leave, the three hug each other in the middle of the ring. That’s when JR says it perfectly, “That……is respect”. I gotta admit. A tear came down my eye when I saw this moment. I’m not afraid to admit that and neither should you. This storyline started all the way back in Wrestlemania 25 when Undertaker defeated the man who came closest to ending the streak (and offered the best Wrestlemania match of all time), retiring the same man in Wrestlemania 26, face the man’s best friend wants revenge for retiring his best friend in Wrestlemania 27, to culminate with all three men in the most chaotic match (with the streak still standing) in Wrestlemania 28 with them now letting go of this obsession of ending the streak.

Image result for wrestlemania 28 hell in a cellThe match was very well done. I almost thought Taker was going to lose there for a moment, but this was the perfect way to give Undertaker his 20th victory at Wrestlemania. Taker, HHH, and Shawn all told a very good story together. The start of the match showed that Taker doesn’t have what it takes to win, but Taker wouldn’t give up. Towards the end of the match, the story changed. It came to the point that nobody can beat Taker at WM, so it seemed that Shawn and HHH accepted their fate. The match felt more like a fight. It was a brutal brawl inside the HIAC structure. This has to be one of the best Hell in a Cell matches I have seen in a long time. The match was billed as the End of an Era. I never made much out of the title, but after watching this match, it really did live up to the title. This match started to make Wrestlemania 28 from a dull show into what WM is all about. The match. The emotion. The feelings. The story. I don’t know what else to add to this. This is the reason why Wrestling to me is so important and why I’m still in part of the WWE product to day!
Match Score: 6/5

Team Johnny (David Otunga, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre) (with John Laurinaitis, Vickie Guerrero, and Brie Bella) vs. Team Teddy (Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T) (with Theodore Long, Hornswoggle, Eve Torres, Nikki Bella, and Aksana) –
You all should know that I am not a fan of these over-booked, cluttered Wrestlemania matches, but surprisingly enough, this was actually really good! In fact, this over-booked tag match has something that all the other’s don’t have, and that’s just the level of fun! Of course it’s that dumb stipulation of Raw vs. Smackdown but it was to see who was going to be general manager of both shows, John Larenitus or Theodore Long. Ultimately, this was going to be the end of the brand extension idea and make WWE just one single company instead of a divided. So what makes this match so fun exactly? Well how about knowing who each of the wrestlers are, just see them do what they do best in the grandest stage of them all, and have a fun and memorable aftermath. This match is something that I want to see more often because with such a big stipulation and giving each of the mid-carders a chance to breath was the right way to do it! And the finish of this match was priceless where Eve Torres came in to chant with Zack Ryder in the same ring which was a distraction for him to loose this match. Best of all is the aftermath when Eve Torres kicked Zack Ryder in the balls when Team Johnny left only to have her leaving with everyone chanting “Ho-skie! Ho-skie!” I loved it! It was so much fun to see mid-cards doing this to get recognition from this show and it delivered with a lot of intensity building up. This is the best way you can bring heat to a Diva like Eve Torres and it’s a shame to not have her in the roster today
Match Score: 4/5

CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho – WWE Championship – Since Wrestlemania 27, CM Punk became one of, if not, the biggest name in the WWE because of his legendary pipe bomb and defeating John Cena for the WWE Championship clean in Money in the Bank. I really don’t know if you can give CM Punk a better opponent, but Chris Jericho and CM Punk look like a great feud together. I say that because both of them has similar rebellious personalities, wrestling skill & abilities, and are able to cut great promos. If anything, I can say that these two are near equals and I think that it was a good decision to have these two fight in a Wrestlemania. I can easily say that this is the best match of both of their careers. In the early going, Jericho was trying to get Punk to cause a DQ. It eventually geared away from that and it started to act like a wrestling match. Noticed I said wrestling match. Taker and HHH will be the match that will be talked about after tonight, but it felt more like a fight. This feels more like a wrestling match. Then again, Punk and Jericho are different performers compared to Taker and HHH. Like the Taker/HHH match, there was a lot of near falls/close calls between Punk and Jericho and their power and agility were all display perfectly in this match. For a man his age, Chris Jericho was wrestling like he was back in the 90s because not that many wrestlers at that phase could be able to move that quickly and make so many leaps and falls like that! I figured Jericho was due for a win at some point since he didn’t win the Rumble or Elimination Chamber, but I was proved wrong again. Punk slapped on the Anaconda Vice at the 22 minute mark, Jericho did everything to fight it off like he did multiple times before, but Punk was determined and he won the match after Jericho tapped out. This was a very good match. Punk and Jericho didn’t have a lot of screen time for their rivalry (compared to Rock/Cena or Taker/HHH), but I think they set up the story nicely and delivered a good match that does not happen often before the main event starts.
Match Score: 5/5

The Rock vs. John Cena – This is the reason why everyone paid for. Since the Rock left the WWE, Cena took his place as the top babyface of the company just as The Rock became a bigger movie star known worldwide. Because both men grew so much popularity is why people wanted to see The Rock and John Cena. They’ve wasted our precious time with Wrestlemania 27 when it was after all a commercial for this very match. This match needed to pay off. I haven’t had so much anticipation for two competitors since Hogan vs. Rock and certainly, I wanted the Rock to beat Cena. After all of these years of Cena hammered down our throats, The Rock came back to make fun of John Cena and made him look like shit in each episode of RAW before this show. I can really go back to those old episodes of RAW 2012 when the Rock stole each episode because they were that entertaining; from boots to asses, Cena’s kung-pow bitch, Rock singing with his acoustic guitar, and so much more! Because the Rock effortlessly talked smack on John Cena, it made this match more and more hyped. Even through each of the wrestler’s had their own performers giving their own entrances to even further the production and anticipation, all those props did not make this match good. Admittedly, the match wasn’t as great as I anticipated because Cena didn’t give much effort than his same moves of doom, The Rock was losing a lot of stamina, that awful bear hug that took too long to break, and the match went on for over a half an hour. The best thing I can tell you about going back to this match was that the entire stadium was loud during the duration of the match. It was pure magic to see the Rock to finally wrestle a big name opponent since Stone Cold Steve Austin in Wrestlemania 19, and do all of his signature moves that brought our nostalgia-feeling into full gear! This match represented Attitude Era vs. PG Era. There were so many instances where the Rock was going to loose but each time he pops out of the count, it got the crowd roaring with delight. I really thought that John Cena was going to win this match because the WWE wanted to shove John Cena even further down our throats. But after so many Rock Bottoms and two people’s elbows, that final Rock Bottom that gave him that clean three count actually made me jump out of my seat with joy.

That instance where John Cena lost felt like true satisfaction. It was like the WWE are acknowledged that we all hate Cena and after all those years of having him shoved down our throats and putting his face in nearly every aspect of the WWE, it was like the WWE gave us a bone for supporting this company throughout all the dissatisfying times of being a fan. It really was that satisfying to see something as awesome as the CM Punk-Cena match at Money in the Bank and that victory ultimately save this match! That victory for the Rock made the show into one of the all time best Wrestlemanias. It’s something about the Rock’s charisma, character, and talent that John Cena could never capture. Rock had the whole crowd in his hands and he effortlessly made all of us happy. The build-up for this match couldn’t get any bigger and it delivered with a sweat victory that shows why The Rock is an all-time great! The image of Cena sitting down on the concrete floor with the ramp behind him truly represents why Cena can NEVER be an all time great. And this match had to show why you need someone more to take one someone like The Rock. I loved this match for all that it’s worth (despite its flaws) and I haven’t had a reaction like this one since many of the Attitude era matches and the Undertaker-Shawn Michaels match at Wrestlemania 25. That says a lot after all those years of feeling underwhelmed with the product since Wrestlemania 23. If the match isn’t really well worked (especially this one) make sure the finish is a good one. It was more than a great one, it was one of the best finish to a Wrestlemania show ever!
Match Score: 5/5

Image result for wrestlemania 28 rockI could never believe that there would be another Wrestlemania that was a good as Wrestlemania 10, 12, 14, 17, and 19 but this show earned its place to be one of the all time best. Beside the disappointing opening match with Daniel Bryan’s defeat, this show made the right booking decisions and the structure of the card couldn’t be better. We haven’t ad a great Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 19 and this show delivered all the goods that we’ve been waiting from the WWE from the longest time. The epic finale between HHH-Taker in Hell in a Cell is one of the best in-ring storytelling that the WWE has ever told, the athleticism between CM Punk and Chris Jericho (while could have been better) was impressive, Eve Torres creating so much heat in the Divas division was a hell a lot of fun, and The Rock BEATING John Cena was true fan satisfactory! The WWE did not only gave us a fantastic show, but the company rewarded it’s long time fans with real satisfactory! It’s shows like this is the reason why I’m a huge fan of wrestling in general. I could never imagine anything in life could have been as pleasurable as the good ol’ days, but with effort, timing, and planning there are things that are worth living for! Sure people would just look at this card like a three-match-show. They’re probably right, but if you look back at other Wrestlemanias that are actually one-match-shows, those three matches delivered some of the best things in professional wrestling. It’s wondrous how much of an improvement this Wrestlemania was in comparison to Wrestlemania 27; it’s like night-and-day! Sure the beginning of the show tested our patients, but the second half and especially the finish was non-other than one of the best moments in life! And that’s what really matters!

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 28


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Wrestlemania 27 Review

This is the Wrestlemania the represents the worst of the WWE today; bad booking decisions, poor storytelling, and the lack of character build-up. This card for a Wrestlemania was so poor that they had to bring The Rock back as a special host of the show, not to wrestle. You know, Wrestlemania 27 is just like Iron Man 2, where that movie basically is a commercial to The Avengers movie. Wrestlemania 27 really is a commercial of the following Wrestlemania. That is really the worst thing you can ever do to a professional wrestling’s biggest show. You had all the time and build-up to actually do that for any other WWE Pay-Per-View but to do it on the most anticipated show is some of the worst things you can decide to do and this Wrestlemania has an infamous reputation of being really that bad! And the worst part of all is that I’m going to have to describe why this show in its entirety is bad!

And before this show even got started, this is like Wrestlemania 25 all over again where the matches that deserved to be in the main card to create new stars in the biggest stage of them all ends up being held in the dark match like Sheamus-Daniel Bryan match. I could care less about 23 man battle royal but for the fact that Sheamus & Bryan had to be buried into dark match is one of the all time worst booking decision ever! Already it shot itself in the foot and gave itself the first nail on the coffin!

Edge (c) (with Christian) vs. Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez and Brodus Clay) – World Heavyweight Championship – And here I am showing you why the booking decision still suffers greatly after all of these years of the WWE. You’ve made the second most prestigious title in the WWE and the Royal Rumble winner to be the opening match of the card. I can’t even describe how much credibility has lost with the World title being so pushed down like that. It’s one thing that it was sandwiched in the card but to make it an opener… who books this shit? And you can even see that Edge didn’t care for headlining Wrestlemania anymore because you can see he was in a lot of pain while ADR was so ambitious and anxious to make his Wrestlemania debut but didn’t deserve this treatment of having a great matchup in the show to end up being an opener. All this match did was just to have Edge beat ADR and smash his limousine with Christian. Nothing in this match was at all surprising nor did it felt any different from what we seen from Edge and ADR’s previous matches. Ridiculous! And it’s even worse that this is Edge’s last Wrestlemania match that even puts more insult to injury!
Match Score: 1/5

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio – And now we come to the only good match on the card because these two gave a lot of effort as dance partners. Cody Rhodes had an awesome gimmick where he pretends to have a broken nose to wear that protected plastic face mask that is used as a weapon, technically. He used it perfectly against Rey Mysterio in this match because they both were lightweights and the leaps, flips and slams that they threw in this match was a lot of fun and handled creatively. Sometimes, I wish Cody still kept this gimmick because it really worked! The mask is the plot device of this very match and it was used to his advantage, so Rey had to figure out how to avoid getting hit with the mask or try to remove it. Fortunately, Cody’s mask gets knocked off in the fracas, and Rey hits the 619. It’s like Brutus Beefcake all over again. Rey dons Cody’s mask and hits a series of running headbutts. Nice! A diving headbutt gets two. Cody’s support is growing at this point. He rips off Rey’s kneebrace and blocks a tope with it. This is really one of the most creative match I’ve ever seen in a Wrestlemania and unfortunately this is the only good match on this card
Match Score: 4/5

Kane, Big Show, Santino Marella, and Kofi Kingston vs. The Corre (Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Justin Gabriel, and Heath Slater) – Both teams got in the ring, some moves happened, and Big Show knocked out Heath Slater of the Corre. That was it. This was almost too short to be considered a ‘bathroom break’. Even worse, this is the burial of Barrett, Jackson, Gabriel, and Slater who were supposed to be rising stars for the WWE and they’ve ruined that opportunity of making them all bigger stars. If this match is only going to give me under 2 minutes of show, why should I care.
Match Score: 1/5

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk – What as surprise! Another Randy Orton match that continues to bore the audience. Honestly, the feud between Orton and Punk was some of the most uninspiring and lousy match up that you can put with two stars. There was no story, no stipulation, and ultimately no purpose of this match. I mean, Punk tried his damnedest to make it a worthy match, but for the sake that Orton just didn’t’ care at this point and give us the same damn moves that he always offered is the same response that I normally give to many of his matches. It was a slow, dried out match that had no storytelling, not many surprises, and worst of all had the wrong guy to win the match. I still can’t believe that the WWE is supposed to create new stars and it delayed CM Punk from being the star that he now is today when he’s supposed to pushed sooner. Just what in fuck’s name is Orton’s victory amount to? Absolutely nothing!
Match Score: 2/5

Michael Cole (with Jack Swagger) vs. Jerry Lawler (With Jim Ross) – Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the worst match of the whole show and it’s an incredibly painful one to sit through. Dealing with Michael Cole’s heel commentaries was some of the most painful and agonizing commentaries I’ve ever seen. I mean, sure I was once a fan of his commentary when he was teamed up with Tazz in Smackdown back in the brand extension, but seeing him bash every wrestler on NXT, had to protect himself with bullet proof class in his own commentary table, and even constantly argue with his commentary colleagues was the time where I had to put the mute button more times than not. I still get that feeling each time I hear Michael Cole commentating nowadays, but this is the WORST booking of a match that I’ve ever seen. Nobody wants to see washed up has-beens to duke it out in the ring. We’ve seen Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon that proved that, but the WWE just didn’t get it through their heads and had Lawler and Cole to wrestle in a Fucking Wrestlemania match. How on blue blazes of fucks did this headline in this card but the Sheamus-Daniel Bryan match was a dark match? It was bad enough to see Vince McMahon to oversell Bret Hart’s moves in Wrestlemania 26, but Cole just over did it at the point where it embarrassed not only the company, but the whole Wrestling industry! Nothing in this match felt at all impacting and everything done in this match was poorly executed. The whole crowd in the stadium shouted out boring as the match continues and not even Jim Ross and Booker T could even save the commentary. Lawler applied his own version of the ankle lock. Cole tapped immediately. Austin hilariously asked, “Do…you…give…up.” Cole screamed that he did. Austin eventually called for the bell to give the win to Lawler via submission. Cole and Swagger split. Austin’s music played and he handed a couple of beers to Lawler for a celebration. Booker T entered the ring and wanted to party with them. Booker performed the Spinaroonie. Austin laughed and gave him a beer. Booker took a swig, and Austin gave him the Stunner… why?! Who cares. With Austin and Lawler in the ring together, the anonymous general manager email chime sounded… yeah forgot about that stupid gimmick of a computer storyline? Well, that was one stupid storytelling device that I DON’T want to remember. Mathews stood up and read a message for the GM, who ruled that Austin overstepped his boundaries as the referee, and Lawler lost the match by disqualification. Cole, who had some blood in his mouth, was lying on the ramp with a big smile on his face. Lawler went to ringside and protested to Mathews. He eventually threw Josh inside the ring, where Austin hit Mathews with a Stunner for a big pop. Austin hopped on his four wheeler and headed backstage, leaving Lawler to join his longtime partner Ross on commentary… And to think that the WWE think we actually cared. FUCK YOU, WWE! And FUCK THIS MATCH UP THE ASS!!!
Match Score: -1/5 (The Lowest Score I can ever give)

The Undertaker vs. Triple H – I’m sorry everyone, but this match is really not good. I mean it was a decent brawl but the whole purpose of this match was the fact that Hunter is jealous of Shawn Michael’s wrestlemania moments with the Undertaker in two previous Wrestlemanias and he want to be part of it. The WWE is acting like this is the first time that HHH and Taker are facing off in Wrestlemania, but they want you to forget that they had already faced off in Wrestlemania 17. If you ask me, you should watch that match instead because this match here, while it did they to tell a story in this hardcore match, the problem is is that Triple H is not that agile and athletic so there are no surprises in this match. Undertaker was either in real bad shape or he was kayfabing it so they can have a rematch in the following Wrestlemania. And that’s what I hate about this match, no matter how much they’ve tried, what matters is that Triple H gets a rematch the following Wrestlemania because Shawn Michaels did it… Triple H is so full of himself that I can’t describe how much I hate what this match represents. I especially hate the finish where if the HHH character wanted to “end” the streak so badly, how come he’s ordering him to stay down and Undertaker recover? You can really tell that Triple H was waiting for Taker to give him an opening submission because he was not ready for this match. Obviously, Triple H gets himself into a Hell’s Gate submission hold because Undertaker couldn’t get himself up and Triple H had to tap. I hate the fact that Triple H had to oversell for Undertaker like he’s just as in bad shape as Undertaker while ‘Taker himself was already hurt. This match wasn’t at all good. It was a half an hour dirty fight that could NEVER be as good as the Undertaker-Shawn Michaels matches in the previous two Wrestlemania matches.
Match Score: 2/5

John Morrison, Trish Stratus, and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and LayCool (Layla andMichelle McCool) (with Vickie Guerrero) – Sigh, another match stipulation that has a celebrity involvement. This was around the time when Jersey Shore was popular and they had to get Snooki (really? Who uses that name) and get her in this match with Trish Stratus. Snooki tagged into the match and was greeted with loud boos from the crowd. She ended up hitting the springboard elbow move in the corner. She did another cartwheel and splashed McCool for the pin. The cast of Tough Enough was shown seated in prime seats in the crowd… So if Trish’s team won the match, what really was there to gain for this match? Absolutely nothing.
Match Score: 0/5

Image result for wrestlemania 27 miz rockThe Miz (c) (with Alex Riley) vs. John Cena – WWE Championship – Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the second worst main event of all time, not just Wrestlemania. I’ve reviewed really bad Wrestlemania main events, but this is so bad that it’s clearly advertisement for the next Wrestlemania because the Rock and John Cena kept focusing on each other that The Miz is not even recognized in this match. That is not good when the company is supposed to create new stars just to have someone like the Miz as a second thought as the tension between Rock and Cena became the main focus of the match. Because of this stupid focus of Cena and Rock instead of Cena and Miz is why Miz is pushed so backwards to below mid-card.  Miz went from anti-establishment with a natural edge to his character (yes, The Miz) to a cookie-cutter, WWE-formula, weak heel. As soon as creative started paying attention to him he lost a lot of his luster. At first it was okay: He used to call out John Cena and when the (injured) superstar no-showed, Miz would claim the win by forfeit. This lasted all the way up until the 2009 Great American Bash pay-per-view (PPV) when he lost to Cena in five minutes. He lost again in a squash on Raw and shuffled down to mid-card obscurity. He never recovered his fan support. Then, after they had killed him, the creative powers at WWE naturally decided to do something with him. They made him the mentor of NXT’er Daniel Bryan. This only pissed us off more because by now The Miz had become one-dimensional and stale, his in-ring skills had never improved and he was “mentoring” an indie superstar. With fans sufficiently sick of him, the WWE decided the time was ripe to put the title on him. He cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase and won the richest prize in the industry. He held the title high and proclaimed himself the greatest champ ever. Even despite the fact that he beat Cena in this match with the help from the Rock, The Rock’s involvement in this match and aftermath couldn’t save it, instead it worsen it. Having Rock attack both Cena and Miz because there was nothing more to add to this show really shows why this whole card was horrible! If you actually made me want to watch Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Lawrence Laylor in Wrestlemania 11, that should tell you how bad this main event is in comparison to that main event. This match was just garbage and the worst possible way you can finish a show, period!
Match Score: -1/5

Is it no wonder why this Wrestlemania is one of the worst of all time? I never could imagine another Wrestlemania to be as bad as Wrestlemania 9, but how foolish of me to think that because The Rock is involved in this show doesn’t mean squat. This Wrestlemania should have created stars and make a new era, but if the only good match was an average mid-card match up with Cody Rhodes and Rey Mysterio show how little to no effort was even put in this show. This is the only Wrestlemania that I can’t put myself through without having to feel the pain that it caused me when I first ordered the PPV. The booking structure was already a disaster on paper, but even worse is that they had to go through with this crap and make it the worst thing ever. How dare they make this Wrestlemania a commercial hype for the next Wrestlemania because that’s what other WWE PPV’s are for and this should never be the show that does the same as the other. The card structure was ridiculous having the World title with Edge and ADR to be the opening match. There are just so many bad matches in this card and the Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole match was some of the most pointless wrestling matchup’s the I’ve ever seen booked in a Wrestlemania. You want to make a show that everyone care to watch and if even your Main Event couldn’t even make that many people care, then it’s a reason why the professional wrestling business is at the state that it is. This Wrestlemania represents the worst aspects of WWE not giving a fuck. Some say that The New Generation era was somehow the worst times in the WWE, well at least that era actually cared to create stars. The PG era was all about the Breakfast Club playing it safe and control everything within their dominance.  Don’t waste your time on this show, instead, skip over to Wrestlemania 28 because it’s the polar opposite from the awfulness of this wrestling show. And because this card wanted you to get pumped up for the next Wrestlemania, it shows that you should never look back at this one!

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 27


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Wrestlemania 26 Review

Wrestlemania 25 was a real disaster, except for the Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels match that became the best Wrestlemania match of all time. Since that match, it make the Undertaker’s streak even more significant than winning the most prestigious championship in any Wrestling organization. Shawn Michaels came in to deliver the best out of the Undertaker and certainly it showed that they not only needed to face off one more time, but most importantly make sure to make it the main event. Thankfully, this is a step foward from the awful era of booking decisions that Wrestlemanias since WM 23 has ever had. But even though everyone came to this show just to see Undertaker and Shawn Michaels wrestle each other one last time, how was the show? Well, let’s see and find out.

ShoMiz (The Miz and Big Show) (c) vs. John Morrison and R-Truth – Unified Tag Team Championships – As a solid opener that got the crowd on their feet, but it was way too short.  Just as I was getting into it, John Morrison bounces right into Big Show’s carcinogenic fist and it was over!  This match could’ve been done on Smackdown and I’m not sure if anyone would tell the difference.  But like I said on Kick-Out!! Radio, no disrespect to the participants, but this was probably the least important match on the card.
Match Score: 3/5

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase –  Just like the Breakfast club triple threat in Wrestlemania 24, we just had to get Legacy to break up and give them their own triple threat. Thankfully this match didn’t deserve to be higher in the card, but I have to admit that with my lowered expectations, I actually enjoyed this match.  It wasn’t fantastic or anything, but it was certainly better than I thought it was going to be.  The highlight of the match was when Randy gave these two a double DDT from the mid rope. As expected, Orton got the win, which isn’t surprising since Rhodes and DiBiase had absolutely nothing to gain from winning this match.  They’ve been presented as nothing more than a tag team throughout this entire storyline, so what would either one of them get out of a singles win?  I certainly thing that Randy Orton did not deserve to win this match because Cody and Ted Jr. deserved a push to further their careers. Because neither one of those two won this match is the reason why they’re still stuck in the mid-card today
Match Score: 3/5

Jack Swagger vs. Christian vs. Matt Hardy vs. Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. and Evan Bourne – Money in the Bank Ladder Match – Ten men in one match never has MITB ever been this big! And unfortunately this has got to be one of the wost MITB match ever. Not because it was just too big, but the far that it was played very safe in comparison to all the past MITB ladder matches and watch this match certainly shows! Off with the good. Once again we get a chance to see Shelton Benjamin doing what he does best and he certainly was better in this match than we was last year’s Wrestlemania. So was Kofi Kingston who gave his best out of his ability and we were able to see Kori and Shelton square off for a brief moment. And Evan Bourne’s shooting star press was phenomenal when he applied that maneuver. However the only thing that ruined this match was the finish. Matt Hardy and Christian got knocked off and it was Jack Swagger to had to take down the briefcase. And it goes on… for almost a minute trying to unchain the case from the ropes. God! That was tiring to watch. If anything that was the one instance the ruined the show and if this match were reach, all the wrestlers would have made sure he wouldn’t take it down that for that long. Thank God, the WWE network edited that long ass moment into a second. It’s a shame really because this is the last Money in the Bank ladder match ever held in Wrestlemania.
Match Score: 2/5

Triple H vs. Sheamus – Now this is a match that Triple H should be in, not main eventing. The reason why I say that is because Triple H is supposed to wrestle against mid-carders with the way that he always wrestles in nearly all of his matches. Even though he buried Sheamus, he did make him a member of the Breakfast Club. As for the match… uh… it was basic as ever. This is what you’ll get from an opponent that has the same limitations as Triple H. But what made this match was being a dull one was Sheamus’s focus on taking down Triple H and keeping the pace. However Triple H won the match with a pedigree and really nothing was gained or lost.
Match Score: 3/5

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk (with Luke Gallows and Serena) – I’ll be honest, I’m never a fan of the Straigth Edge Society because they’ve made the anti-smoking, drinking, and drugs movement into a heel thing and I hated the fact that his heel turn made it ironic. The stipulation here is that CM Punk made a feud too personal by getting his family involved and he wants nothing more than to make Rey his most loyal member to the SES. Right from the get-go Rey’s outfit was ridiculous and I couldn’t stop shaking my head every time the fake pony tail from the top of his mask was flying. Anyways, it seemed like the odds was stack against Mysterio as Punk had his society ring side to help out, but it was enough to stop the fast Rey Rey. If it wasn’t for Punk being able to keep up with Rey, this match would have been a disaster. As Gallows tried to interfere, Mysterio throws Punk into the crotch of Gallows and was 619′d and was pinned. Punk had some highlight moment as he was able to pull many reversals to put Rey in the Go To Sleep position but it was enough to stop Mr. 619. Leave it to WWE though to have kids boo at someone who tells you that drugs and alcohol is bad for you. I really think that the wrong guy won this match because it would have carried out the a great story of Mysterio now a member of Straight Edge Society and try his best to break free.
Match Score: 3/5

Image result for bret hart wrestlemania 26Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon – I really don’t want to remember this match because this match should never have happened. Bret Hart should have had more integrity than this when he made peace with Shawn Michaels in an episode of RAW that became the best moment of WWE where forgiveness triumphs. But because Vince McMahon didn’t want to make Bret Hart just a host of Wrestlemania and let whatever happened in the Montreal Screwjob to just be bye-gones, they had to make it into a match. Bret Hart suffered a great stroke when he officially retired in 2000, seeing him come into the ring show that he’s not in shape to perform. But I’ll give Vince credit, he did try to make Bret powerful, but for the fact that the whole Hart family had to come into the ring and continually beat up Vince was just too much. I was getting fed up with Bret Hart about to give Vince McMahon a sharpshooter and then decide not to. Everybody just wanted to have that Sharpshooter applied and finish the match, but no. Revenge just had to wait a little longer… Did I say little, I mean A LOT longer. This match went on forever and it’s only a certain point in time where Vince had to stop acting like a vulnerable shit but seriously, everyone was getting really bored in this match. Hell, even Bret had to sit in a chair in the middle of the ring just catch his breath and the commentators was running out of things to say. Enough with the teasing with Sharpshooter, enough with the chairshots, and enough with the pandering. Please just finish this match. After the 11 minute mark, Bret finally apple the sharpshooter and you already know Vince was going to tap. I mean it was great to have revenge after Montreal Screwjob that tortured Bret throughout all of these years, but that doesn’t mean if Bret’s enjoying it, the audience was. I can’t say it’s anywhere as the worst Wrestlemania match, but it should never had happened. I have too much respect for Bret to even acknowledge this match ever existed. But it could have been worse if Vince won and that’s the only positive I can say about this match.
Match Score: 1/5

Image result for wrestlemania 26 edge vs chris jerichoChris Jericho (c) vs. Edge – World Heavyweight Championship – Two Canada’s finest had their shine last night. Although the match started some what slow with rest holds (though we did get Jericho yelling at ref saying “Ask Him!”) the match picked up its pace after a while. Probably the great moments were when Edge attempted to do his finisher, the Spear, since this was built up as that all it takes is one spear and it’s over. For the first attempt, Jericho simply rolled out of the ring. The second attempt, he smoothly counter it into the Walls of Jericho and for the third attempt, he gave Edge a Codebreaker head on (after Jericho tried to attempt for a spear himself, he met with a boot to his face). Though that Codebreaker wasn’t enough to put the Rated R Superstar down, Jericho starts playing dirty and attacks Edge old injured leg and eventually grabbed his title. After the ref got bumped and was down, Jericho hit Edge with the title and went for another Codebreaker for the win. After the match, Edge exploded into a rage, got Jericho on top of the Spanish table, Edge ran across from the English announce table and Speared Jericho into the barricade. I’m going to admit and say I was surprised by this ending as I was expecting for Edge to win seeing how he was the Royal Rumble winner and was going after Jericho for revenge. Either way, was a win-win situation for me as I’m a fan for both and hopefully the feud continues on. This sometimes-forgotten World Heavyweight Title match had a putrid build (Edge suddenly yelling SPEEEEEAR like Sebastian Bach with Tourettes), and the crowd was a little dead following Bret’s long ass pummeling of Vince, but it was a good match, won by champion Jericho.
Match Score: 4/5

Michelle McCool, Vickie Guerrero, Alicia Fox, Layla, and Maryse vs. Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Eve Torres – This match wasn’t as horrible as the Diva’s Battle Royal Last year, but it was an ultimately pointless match. This was so cluttered to have all of these women keep going at it and just put Vickie Guerrero as the star of match… and that’s a bad thing. Say what you will about how bad the Bret-McMahon match is, this match actually is worse. I got nothing against women wrestling but wow…this match, this match here…was total crap as this was the worst Wrestlemania Divas match. Every one started off by beating on Vickie which somehow led to Vickie not being effected by the beat down she just had and screamed at Kelly Kelly. This led to all the Divas doing their finisher. Although McCool, Mickie, Maryse, and Phoenix pulled off their finisher right… the rest was just all terrible timing and sloppy. Once all the divas pulled their finisher, Vickie decided to do her late husband move, Eddie Guerrero’s Frog Splash, and pretty much fell on Kelly. Vickie failed at her pin attempt at first as she moved Kelly’s shoulders off the mat and then after what was like thirty seconds or so, finally pinned her right for the win. I’m sure they probably weren’t giving enough time for the match and they all tried their best but wow, this match drained a lot of people out. Definitely, it’s the worst match of the card!
Match Score: 0/5

John Cena defeated Batista (c) – WWE Championship – This one definitely had a big-match feel to it. The two biggest babyfaces of the Ruthless Aggression Era squaring off for the biggest prize. Batista began doing his best work after turning heel a few months prior to this program. The question seeping in was, who was the bigger star of their era? There was also doubt creeping in, as Batista had continuously been getting the upper hand on Cena. So naturally, Cena won this match. It was a good call to put this match before the Undertaker/Shawn Michaels rematch which is a good thing considering that this match doesn’t deserve to be ahead of that anticipated match. Still this match didn’t quite deliver. Cena’s and Batista’s styles never meshed well and it was painfully obvious Cena would win this match. Moments that spring to mind from this match include Cena’s Five-Knuckle Shuffle from the top rope. Each man then kicked out of the other’s finishing move. Cena reversed a Batista Bomb into an STF and forced Batista to submit. Overall a forgettable match.
Match Score: 2/5


The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
– Streak vs. Career –

If there was a feud that deserved a Wrestlemania rematch, it had to Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker. I can’t stress enough that their match in Wrestlemania 25 was the only great match on the card and it was the best match in Wrestlemania history. After Shawn Michaels lost the match, he was more eager to end the streak because he was the closest that came to ending it (Since Kane in Wrestlemania 14). There was nothing more than have a second chance. At the time the Undertaker won the World Heavyweight Championship and Shawn wanted to win the Royal Rumble. Unfortunately, he got eliminated and Taker was waiting for another opponent. Shawn couldn’t accept that so he had to interfere the Elimination Chamber match and cost Undertaker his World title. Never had there been so much anticipation to make this match happen because there was no other guy that deserved to end the streak than Shawn Michaels. It look like he was about to get his chance… until Undertaker made this rematch a stipulation by saying if he loses, his career is over… And that’s the only flaw that I have with this rematch and why I can never say it will ever be better than their match in Wrestlemania 25. Not because it was going to be Shawn’s last match, but because we seen this before. This was the same stipulation as to Ric Flair’s retirement when he lost to Shawn Michaels in Wrestlemania and knowing that this is a career ending match if he loses, it kinda spoiled the results for me, personally.

Now that I’m looking into this match in an entirely different approach, I just knew that the streak will never end, but had Shawn Michaels wrestle for the last time. I came into this match just knowing that he was going to loose and retire, but we just had to see what he had to offer one last time before he had to go, just like Ric Flair. Michaels came out pumped and not afraid and was not intimidated at all as Taker made his way into the ring. The match started with HBK doing the thumb cross the throat pose and pissed Taker off by doing so. The match started off fast unlike the two earlier world title matches as the two crafty veterans knew what they were doing. Taker and Michaels both tried to pull off their finisher quick but was both reverse in time. Michaels kept aiming at the knees of the dead man while the dead man was over powering the Heart Break Kids at moments.

Image result for wrestlemania 26 undertaker vs shawn michaels gifWe had HBK doing the figure four and reversing a Tombstone pile driver into Ankle Lock, but it wasn’t enough to make Taker tap. This had led to HBK trying to moonsault into Taker outside of the ring but it was reversed into Tombstone, but it was only good for a two once Taker was able to put Michaels back in the ring. The dead man goes for the Last Ride but HBK reversed it by pulling Talkers face down as he was doing the power bomb. HBK goes for his elbow dropped but was blocked and reverse into the Hell’s Gate submission in which HBK reversed it into a pin that was good for two and then lead to a Sweet Chin Music that was good for a two. There was another Sweet Chin Music attempt but Taker reversed it into the Last Ride which was good for two.

Image result for wrestlemania 26 undertaker vs shawn michaels gifThe match went ringside which lead to Michaels doing a moonsault on Taker through the table. Once back in the ring, HBK went for the pin but was only good for a two and got a Sweet Chin Music in and once again, only good for two. Another Sweet Chin Music attempt reverse into a Choke Slam and then a Tombstone but was only good for a two. Taker was going to do the thumb across the throat but stopped as he say Michaels laying their trying to get up. He told HBK to stay down but Michaels slowly got up and mocked Taker once again by doing the thumb across the throat. The angry dead man picked up HBK and pulled the most powerful leaping Tombstone Piledriver Undertaker has ever made that lead the dead man to victory and also, 18-0 now and Mr. Wrestlemania was no more. After the match, Taker and HBK shook hands and hugged. HBK stayed in the ring and got  standing ovation as tonight was the Heart Break Kid’s last match. HBK walked down the ramp and did one final pose while holding his tears back to end the night. Even though this match wasn’t as good as the last Wrestlemania match, however, it did it’s job in doing what it needed to accomplish. Wrestling fans everywhere debates which of the Undertaker-Michaels match was better, Wrestlemania 25 or Wrestlemania 26. I’m one of those fans that still considers that match as the best Wrestlemania match, but this was a great homage to that great match that had a faster pace. There are just a couple of things that didn’t make this match as good as the original.

  • Jim Ross wasn’t commentating the match and Michael Cole was trying way too hard to do a better job at commentating.
  • There wasn’t a point in the match where I thought Undertaker was really going to loose (like Undertaker making leap of faith and landing on the cameraman)
  • I think it was a bit too much to see Shawn Michaels apply that moonsault to the table. Sure you need to make this match different but it didn’t work much.
  • As a sequel to the best match ever, they’ve tried their damnedest to capitalize on their first Wrestlemania match together
  • Making this a No DQ Match was unnecessary, even despite the fact that there were no dirty moves or weapons involved
  • There was no “out of the body experience” involved in this match

However it is a double edge sword where the Undertaker-Michaels rematch did do a couple of things that was better than the original match; it was much more emotional and the storytelling was in full force, there were a lot less mistakes happening in this match, and the finish was what you call a “Wrestlemania moment” when Shawn slapped Undertaker cross the face to have the nastiest Tombstone of all time. Despite what both of those matches had over the other, the Undertaker-Michaels rematch itself was a classic bout and there were so many exciting moments that it really kept the fans on the edges of their seats until the end of the match when Undertaker pinned HBK and ended one of the greatest in ring careers of all time. This was Shawn’s last match ever as a wrestler and it was a classic no doubt about it. Some say that matches like Undertaker-Michaels happens once in a lifetime, but never could we thought it could happen twice!
Match Score: 6/5

Image result for wrestlemania 26 undertakerEven despite the fact that the Undertaker-Michaels rematch was not as good as their first match at Wrestlemania, but it was properly placed in the main event which it should. Speaking of which, Wrestlemania 26 is a much better show than Wrestlemania 25. The matches, even though they weren’t as good as I hoped, there were more good matches than bad ones. Even though that this is another Wrestlemania that was a one-match-show, with the effort that the mid-card has put in, it saved the show instead of relying everything on the one match that everyone wants to see. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a Wrestlemania properly booked and because it gave the most effort on what it got, I can’t even look back at Wrestlemania 25, except for the original Undertaker-Michaels match. I can really go back to this show and see how it started okay to a fantastic end! For once the booking decisions did it right and that’s all that matter for Wrestlemania.

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 26


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Wrestlemania 25 Review

Image result for wrestlemania 25Twenty-five years in the making is something that most special events can’t reach. Twenty-five is a special number to us, not only because it’s the number of our American quarter coin, but were were just a quarter to making it to the 100 number. With that in mind, is this Wrestlemania any good? To be quite frank, this is actually a terrible show and it’s all because the booking decision was at its worst ever and the many of these matches were terrible except for that one match. The Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match has became the most iconic wrestling matches of all time and that’s all thanks to the build up for all the many years that these two have made to create such credibility over the years from becoming “Mr. Wrestlemania” that captures some of the best moments of the show’s history against the best undefeated streak a Wrestler has ever had with a big show like this. But like many Wrestlemanias before it, a Wrestlemania show can’t be just a one match show, it needs to have a strong card to be a great show and unfortunately this is not one of those good Wrestlemanias because of that one-match-show reputation it has.

The Colóns (Carlito and Primo) vs. John Morrison and The Miz – Before I start this review, I want to say that placing one of the most told tag team feud that we’ve had in years to be placed in a dark match is actually the first nail in the coffin! I could never believe that they’ve placed this well build-up match into a dark match which shows how really stupid the booking decision really is!!

CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Mark Henry (with Tony Atlas) vs. Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Christian vs. Finlay (with Hornswoggle) – Money in the Bank Ladder Match – Out of all the Money in the Bank ladder matches we had since Wrestlemania 21, this one here is the weakest (not the worst). The problem here is that besides Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingstong, Christian, and CM Punk, the other contenders/participants were not risk takers when it comes to ladders. In fact, I’m incredibly underwhelmed with what this match had to offer. This is definitely Shelton Benjamin’s least efforts with all the Money in the Bank Ladder Matches he’s been in because he didn’t offer anything new and it wasn’t at all spectacular to watch in comparison to his last 4 Money in the Bank Ladder Matches. Instead Kofi Kingston put much more effort on this show than Shelton did even despite the fact that they both had similar wrestling-styles. It’s unfortunate that these two never had a feud with each other nor did they went toe-to-toe with each of in this match. I think the stupidest decision that this match could possibly do is to have the same year from last year’s Money in the Bank and that’s what this match has done. It’s already bad enough that CM Punk had to once again appear in another Money in the Bank Ladder Match but to win it twice in a row is the middle of the road for Punk. CM Punk should have been booked in a singles match but no, he had to do the same thing all over again. You can hear some boos coming from the crowd that they didn’t want to see this again. I still can’t believe the crowd boo’ed babyface CM Punk because the WWE did not understand how to make stars and push them ahead. Luckily, WWE adapted and adjust by giving him a heel turn, but unfortunately they had to make that “Straight Edge Society” gimmick that was horrible!
Match Score: 2/5

25-Diva battle royal – I’m deeply offended with this match. This match is INCREDIBLY sexist and you can tell that the WWE did not give a fuck about the women’s… I mean Divas division (Santino’s in here). You did not give a proper introduction to any of these women wrestlers who were both current in the roster at the time and also returning to the WWE for this Wrestlemania show. I was pissed that they had to get Kid Rock to lead them the way while he was performing one of the worst musical performances in Wrestlemania history. Yes! I really mean it when Rock overshadowed the women because apparently he’s so much of a sex symbol that they women coming in this match had to be push aside! Hell, even the commentators couldn’t even fucking tell who where in this battle royal. And what offends me more is that Molly Holly had to swallow her pride to get back in to that classic Molly Holly blonde-gimmick and give her best efforts. She, along with all the women participating in this battle royal, were not even mentioned or noticed until they got eliminated. If it wasn’t for the commentators who were noticing the ones eliminated we would never know who the fuck was in the match. Even Torrie Wilson had to express her frustrations with this match for the lack of support for their women in this match. All of these women were unappreciative and it’s even a bigger crime that some of the legends who build the Divas division where shoved out of the side. Since the WWE, Wikipedia, and other internet sources doesn’t even know who’s in this battle royal allow me to tell you who made it after a much of replay of this awful match. Kelly Kelly, Layla, Jillian Hall, Nikki & Brie Bella, Michelle McCool, Rosa Mendez, Maria, Eve, Katie Lea, Gail Kim, Alicia Fox, WWE Divas Champion Maryse, Mickie James, Natalya Neidhart, Tiffany, Victoria, Sunny, Joy Giovanni, Jackie Gayda, Torrie Wilson, and Molly Holly. And worst of all, the finish of this match. If there’s a good reason why I despise Santino Marella it has to be his participation in this match. He had to cross dress his way to participate and win by last eliminating the last woman just to crown herself… I mean himself as Miss Wrestlemania. This match was poorly structured, nobody knew who was in this match, and the finish of having a male win over the females was offensive. This was supposed to represent women’s wrestling and they made it into a fucking joke. Fuck Santino! Fuck the booking decision made for this match! And Fuck the WWE for allowing this to happen!!! If you ever wonder why the women’s wrestling is at the state that it is, this match has to be one of the big reasons!
Match Score: -1/5 (lowest score I can possibly give since Lesnar-Goldberg match)

Image result for wrestlemania 25 chris jericho vs mickyChris Jericho vs. Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat and Jimmy Snuka (with Ric Flair) – This match and the build-up to this match was stupid! Basically Jericho’s character had to be so much of asshat that he not only had to face three of the legends of the WWE. But that’s not why this match was made, it’s because Jericho had to interrupt Mickey Rourke’s interview in 60 minutes saying that he didn’t like his movie and has no respect for him. This made Piper, Steamboat, and Snuka’s appearance pointless. However, I will have toe tay Steamboat (a man at his age) was able to wrestle as good as Jericho and that surely surprised the hell out to me! Unfortunatley Jericho had to win but the worst Wrestlemania celebrity involvement just had to happen in this match. Apparently, as soon as Jericho won the match, Mickey had to run in the ring and gave Chris the fakest knockout punch ever seen in Wrestling. This is no doubt the worst celebrity involvement that the WWE has ever had! His purpose in making it into the show was to promote his overrated film “The Wrestler” in this very Wrestlemania show and what does he have to show for it? Just come in the last minute to punch Jericho. This was terrible on so many levels!
Match Score: 0/5

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy – This was my second favorite match on the card.  The Extreme Rules gave them a chance to shine.  Since that gimmick isn’t done much anymore, it gave it a “what once was old is now new again” sort of feel.  I felt like they worked hard and had the requisite violence.  Nothing too new or innovative, but solid.  I very much liked the decision to put Matt over decisively.  I do wish that they would have had him be a tad bit nastier though.  A really vile, brutal assault on Jeff would have elevated him to a whole new level.  It’ll be interesting to see where this goes next.  I expect the feud to continue, but it’d be exciting if this ultimately leads to Matt’s ascension into the top of the card once and for all.  If not, this won’t be worth much.  Good showing though and enjoyable match.  Absolutely saved the card at this juncture, as it couldn’t have taken one more dud in a row.
Match Score: 3/5

Rey Mysterio vs. John Bradshaw Layfield (c) – Intercontinental Championship – We haven’t had an intercontinental championship match held in a Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 18! At this point in time, the Intercontinental Championship lost all credibility and so is this match. I don’t know what’s worst, JBL wasting our time in making this his last match and actually think that anyone cares, or Rey Mysterio’s stupid mask of Health Ledger’s Joker. Either way, nobody cared if this was JBL’s last match because he lost in a single 619 and left with a bad attitude. What a guy full of himself and what a waste of time. It makes me wonder why they’ve made The Colóns (Carlito and Primo) vs. John Morrison and The Miz a dark match.
Match Score: 0/5

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

After all the horrible part of Wrestlemania 25 that we all had to endure, this is the match that not only saved the show from becoming the worst of all time, but this is without question, the best Wrestlemania match ever! We’re talking about Undertaker who started to get really good when he started taking on Championship matches with Edge and Batista and trying to beat the streak became more important than any wrestling championship. And we’re also talking about Shawn Michaels who had a fantastic comeback making some of the most memorable Wrestlemania moments and matches since his return like facing guys like Jericho, HHH & Benoit, Kurt Angle, Vince McMahon, and last one was retiring Ric Flair. These two couldn’t face off at a better time because it didn’t get any bigger than that, especially for WrestleMania. These two came from the Hogan-era, the new generation, attitude era, the brand extension, and the PG-era and were still standing strong to show why these legends are as good as it is told. And what we got here is of the greatest and most magical experiences a wrestling fan ever had in their lives. And from their contrasting Heaven and Hell entrances to the climactic ending, everything about HBK/Taker was just magic. As I watched the match progress, my excitement, suspense and disbelief grew as I witnessed two legends wage war in that very ring. It was wonderful to see both of them do their signature moves that was never done better. There were aspects of the match that almost look like a botch but moved incredibly fast to the next move before it becomes a mistake, like Taker dodging down from a Sweat Chin Music and Shawn make it a figure four.

Then the Undertaker took his signature WrestleMania dive at Michaels, only to have one of the nastiest crash-and-burns I had ever seen landing on the cameraman. I had risen out of my seat, in disbelief at what just happened. And soon Michaels and the referee were back in the ring, and the referee began to count. I could not believe what I was seeing, and neither could everyone else. I urged Taker to get up, not wanting this great match to end a count-out, and as the count neared 10, it seemed more and more likely. I was on the edge of my seat, screaming for Taker to get back in. And just before the 10 count, he slid back in! I roared with a great cheer, overjoyed that it did not end that way. With one simple count, these two managed to evoke an emotion that we rarely feel. These two men made you believe that this match was really going to end the way it nearly did, and told a phenomenal story through it. The match continued, and I watched as these two men delivered their signature moves to one another, every single one failing to get a three. Every time a two count was made, I felt more and more suspense fill my being. I was literally holding my breath, goosebumps were all over my arms, and shivers were coming down my spine.

Then Shawn Michaels tries to skin the cat, but Taker catches him and hits him with the Tombstone! At that moment, I thought the match was over, but as soon as Shawn Michaels kicked out before the three-count, I had that feeling like I never felt before. As Jim Ross puts it “I just had an out of the body experience” and immediately I had the exact same feeling. That’s the power of storytelling in professional wrestling this match captures that every essence. The Reliant Astrodome blew the roof off as surprise, shock and disbelief overcame me. I could not believe what I just saw. Michaels kicked out of the Tombstone Piledriver! Undertaker’s face was one of disbelief, and I couldn’t blame him. That was supposed to be impossible. It was at that time that I began to wonder if Michaels could really do it. Could he really do what 17 others before could not? Could he defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania? Is he going to really break the streak?

Image result for wrestlemania 25 undertaker vs shawn michaels gifMoments later, Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music! I can’t believe it! HBK did it! He actually did it! ONE! TWO! THR-KICK OUT!!! I could not believe what I just saw! Taker kicked out of Shawn Michaels best Sweet Chin Music! This is unreal! What the hell was it going to take for either of these men to win? I knew at that moment I was witnessing history, and live no less. I was witnessing a classic that people would talk about for years to come! Not too long after, Taker beautifully caught Michaels as he went for a moonsault and delivered a second Tombstone Piledriver. One! Two! Three! And with that, the greatest match of all time finally came to a close, and Undertaker went 17-0. On one spring night on April 5th, 2009 in the Reliant Astrodome, Michaels and Undertaker created something special: a match that perhaps no one could ever come close to. It was a match that truly defined what modern wrestlers should strive for and it’s a real privilege to see the best that professional wrestling had to offer! I showed even non-wrestling fans this very match and they too were blown away like I was when I first saw this match. These are the two that were the masters of in-ring storytelling, in-ring work, and controlling the audience and because of this match delivered on a very special wrestling match. The Undertaker-Michaels match is not only the best wrestling match of all time, but it’s one of life’s true delights!
Match Score: 7/5 (my highest score)

John Cena vs. Edge (c) vs. Big Show – World Heavyweight Championship – Once again, just like many of highlights in Wrestlemania that didn’t main event, Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker should have been Wrestlemania 25’s main event! And once again, John Cena made another crime against wrestling where his match is ahead of what should have been main event and this match really pissed me off! This triple threat match had subpar build that revolved around SmackDown GM Vickie Guerrero inserting Big Show into the match to ensure her boyfriend Edge kept his title. This was not a triple threat, it was clearly a handicap match because Cena being double-teamed throughout. This was not even good storytelling because we can predict that the alliance between Edge and Show was not going to last. The only thing that was the highlight of the match was Cena showed massive strength, hoisting Big Show up for an F-U… I mean the Attitude Adjustment (stupid finisher name change ever). Edge tried to jump on them and break it up but Cena caught Edge as well. Edge rolled off the Big Show and Cena delivered the AA to the big man. Edge got up and was met with another AA by Cena on top of the Big Show. Cena covered Show and left Reliant Stadium as the new World Heavyweight Champion. Is anyone surprise? No! And I’m wasn’t amused with this match because it was so predictable. There were no surprises, no good storytelling, and horrible execution. Even worse, this match was ahead of the Undertaker-Michaels match and to even think that this triple threat could even top that awesome match is foolish!
Match Score: 1/5 

Image result for wrestlemania 25Triple H (c) vs. Randy Orton – WWE Championship – We’ve had REALLY forgettable Wrestlemania main events with Triple H like Cena-HHH, HHH-Rock-Foley-Big Show, HHH-Booker T, and even HHH-Jericho matches. Certainly Triple H vs Randy Orton is no exception. It’s already a crime to see that this match is ahead of the Undertaker-Michaels match, but to even think that placing two of the three wrestlers from last year’s Wrestlemania WWE Championship match to main event is the stupidest booking decision that I’ve ever seen. Triple H is full of himself thinking that he is main event material when he belongs in backstage politics as a booker. I stated that Triple H has the same basic tactic as he always does and so does Randy Orton. But this match wasn’t even wrestling! It was just a slugfest, throwing in too many finishers, and less wrestling moves than any match that I’ve ever seen that was so dull that it’s PAINFUL to watch. Even despite the fact that the build-up for they used was great to have Randy kiss HHH’s wife Stephanie when she’s knocked out, but this match was so full of itself! I was sick of them just striking each other with fists and using too many finishers from even the beginning of the match that was pure garbage! I came here to see “wrestling” not some dirty brawl that has no good storytelling whatsoever. The whole audience was fed up with this poor main event and nobody even cares for the many time they’ve bashed each other heads. This is Triple H’s ego at it’s worst and it had to be main event to show all of it. Nobody cared if he retained the championship, nobody cared who got hurt, and nobody really cared for this match. I never seen a Wrestlemania main event so poorly work that it ultimately destroy this show.
Match Score: 0/5

Related imageI don’t think I’ve ever seen a one-match-show that was surrounded by really horrible matches on this card. Many of these matches were some of the biggest waste of time that a Wrestlemania even has ever had! We have three 0 out of 5 Matches (including the main event mind you), a one 1 out of 5 matches, and a -1 out of 5 matches… this really isn’t a good show. In fact, this has to be one of the worst Wrestlemania’s of all time and the WWE should be ashamed to make what is supposed to be one of the best Wrestlemanias of all time that turned out to be one of the worst. It’s all because of the idiots doing the booking decision that had no idea what they were doing and Vince McMahon should be ashamed of putting up with this show like this. The main event(s) were terrible, Mickey Rourke was the worst celebrity involvement I’ve even seen in the WWE, and the Diva’s Battle Royal was the most sexist and most offensive moment in wrestling! But fortunately it is not the worst Wrestlemania because we had the best wrestlemania match right here in this show. The Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match wasn’t just the match of the night, it is the best Wrestlemania match of all time. It truly defined proper build-up and creating all the credibility that these two ever had in the wrestling world to make a spectacular wrestling match. I can go far as to say don’t even watch the Wrestlemania 25, just watch the Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match because it clearly deserved to be main event and it is clearly the only great match of the show! Everyone (both wrestling fans and non-wrestling fans alike) needs to watch that match because it is some of the BEST things that this world had to offer! But the real question is, is it worth sitting through Wrestlemania 25 just to watch that headline match between Undertaker and Shawn Michaels? No. 

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 25


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Wrestlemania 24 Review

Wrestlemania 23’s biggest flaw is the misplacement in the booking and the over exposure of one celebrity placed for one match that overshadowed the rest of the card. Wrestlemania 24, did the same thing all over again. But did it actually work? The funny thing about Wrestlemania 24 is that Floyd Mayweather’s appearance ended up over-shadowing Ric Flair’s last ever WWE match (he did continue his wrestling career in TNA). It’s upsettign that Ric Flair never main evented a Wrestlemania despite being a top draw at WCW’s Starrcade. Though Floyd was only semi-main event, the fact that Flair’s seventh Wrestlemania appearance was placed in the middle of the card. Sometimes, Vince can be his own worst enemy as a booker that beleives he even knows what’s best for business. This time, they’ve got Floyd “Money” Mayweather as the main highlight and he’s facing the Big Show in a no disqualification match… oh boy!  However, this Wrestlemania did pick itself up from a bunch of horrid booking decisions from the previous show, however this card still has a some back booking involved that needs to be discussed. So is this Wrestlemania bad or good with a lot of things going for it?

Continue reading Wrestlemania 24 Review

Wrestlemania 23 Review

This Wrestlemania has broke records of being one of the all time most sold-out wrestling PPV shows of all time, thanks for the hype of famous billionaire Donald Trump who was featured as the highlight attraction. His purpose was to have his pick of a wrestler against Vince McMahon’s pick of a wrestler and the winner of the match loses their hair. Donald Trump in the mid 2000’s was huge because of his (overrated) reality show called the Apprentice that once was the highest rated show in American television. Even despite how much this show sold, it doesn’t really mean anything to me, like Titanic. If anything, just like Titanic, this Wrestlemania has got to be one of the most overrated Wrestlemanias of all time! The card here is really out of placed and it’s one of those Wrestlemanias where it’s all hyped up for just one match. Of course there were a couple of good matches in this show, but I’m here to show you why this Wrestlemania is incredibly overrated.

Image result for Mr. Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. King Booker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Edge - Money in the Bank Ladder MatchMr. Kennedy vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. King Booker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Edge – Money in the Bank Ladder Match – The one thing that pissed me off about the booking of the match is that Edge did everything to establish himself as a top heel and who’s idea was it to push him down to the opening show to once again fight for the Money in the Bank even despite the fact that he won the first ever Money in the Bank in Wrestlemania 21! Of course, it was great to see the Hardy Boys back together but it wasn’t the same if they’re not in a tag team and every man was for themselves. Everyone pulled their weight in this match, even Finlay, who is certainly not known for his ability to dive from the highest of heights. This match made every one of these superstars look like a major contender, which is probably due to the fact that every participant, with the exception of Kennedy at the time, was a seasoned veteran. The one thing I’ll remember about this MITB is that Jeff Hardy gave a leg drop to Edge on top of a ladder outside of the match that bent the ladder. That was the only thing that surprised me about this match. Former WWE superstar Mr. Kennedy won the match at WrestleMania 23 when he squared off against CM Punk, Edge, Finlay, both Hardys, King Booker and Randy Orton. However, even despite this victory, Kennedy ended up being the one and only person to ever lose his case before cashing it in, allowing Edge to be the first person to use two cases to win the WWE Championship.
Match Score: 3/5

The Great Khali vs. Kane – This match was incredibly ridiculous! It’s one of those matches where Vince is obsessed with big sized wrestlers and they had to get Khali to totally win this match without selling any of the moves applied on him. This was an incredibly awkward, slow, dull, and poorly worked match. And I especially hated the fact that Khali double chokeslammed Kane while standing on one foot on his chest to claim the three count while Kane is staring up (looking like he’s not even hurt or knocked out) just waiting for this match to be over with. I still despite the Great Khali and never consider any of his matches at all good! The fact  that the WWE tried so desperately to push Khali like an unstoppable giant not selling moves or giving real hard hit makes me hate him even more! Match Score: 0/5

Chris Benoit (c) vs. Montel Vontavious Porter – United States Championship – This is a sad, sad match, not because this is Benoit’s last Wrestlemania match (of course the situation later on is even more tragic) but the fact that Benoit for the second Wrestlemania in a row has to wrestle for the US title. Sure, this match was nicely worked in terms of in-ring work, but this was at the point where nobody care anymore for the talent that the mid-card had to offer. The match just didn’t have a good story building up to this match nor did the chemistry between MVP and Benoit even clicked for me.  Nevertheless, Benoit vindicated himself this year by pinning MVP after a piercing headbutt from the top rope after last year’s flop with JBL, the very same man who was now singing his praises behind the announcers’ booth. MVP fights the Crippler but to no avail, although this will be the first of a slew of many great ‘Mania fights for the up-and-comer Montel Vontavious Porter.
Match Score: 3/5

The Undertaker vs. Batista (c) – World Heavyweight Championship – It’s pretty interesting that all of the members of Evolution got a chance to wrestle Undertaker in Wrestlemania (Triple H in Wrestlemania 17, Ric Flair in Wrestlemania 18, Randy Orton in Wrestlemania 21) and now Batista is next. Out of all the Evolution members, Batista was the one who gave Undertaker a hell of a match. I’m so glad that at this point in time, ‘Taker started to wrestle for the World Heavyweight Championship because not only was he going to be bigger of star than he already was but we got a chance to see him wrestle more than he normally did. He won the Royal Rumble in 2006 and was out to challenge the World champ. Batista was a hell of a steroided beast and he used all he use to end the Undertaker’s streak. However, ‘Taker was able to fight back in this fierce matchup. Complete non-stop action—that is a perfect description for this match. The chemistry between them was incredible. This was indeed a back-and-forth kind of match match but no match was over the other. It felt as if you did not want this match to end. Both of them gave it their all and it showed because it was all power moves. They both took the beatings of their careers in this match and it one of their best matches ever. I still consider the Kane-Taker match at Wrestlemania 14 to be superior but how long has it been since we seen someone with superior strength that can put Undertaker to the limits? Even Undertaker was able to kick out of the Batista-bomb and struck back with a satisfying Tombstone to not only save the Streak but become the new World Heavyweight Champion! This was an exciting well performed match that the rivalry continued after this show. But here’s one problem! This is not even a fucking main event!! Who’s the booker of this shit?  This is like Wrestlemania 8 all over again where the best storyline and rivalry in this show is not main event. With that fact in mind, when it was all over, Batista reportedly went into the back and screamed “Top that!” I am sure he was talking to the main event, but for this list, there is one more that does top this match.
Match Score: 5/5

The ECW Originals (Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and The Sandman) vs. The New Breed (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn) (with Ariel) – This is the match that went ahead of Undertaker-Batista match?! How stupid was it that this over-booked tag match managed to go on ahead of a World Heavyweight Championship? This was at the point where the WWE tried to make the ECW brand popular but for the fact that it’s nowhere near as good as the old-ECW and the new stars felt are treated like garbage is not helping. I can’t tell you how cluttered and poorly worked this match was. It’s a complete miss opportunity to not have New Breed (new talents) to win and establish themselves as top contenders, but for the fact that these old fart had nowhere to go, how was having the originals win and save the future of wrestling? Exactly! It’s no wonder why WWE’s ECW was a terrible brand! Considering how brief and basic this match is, it didn’t even want to make anyone to jump to the ECW brand.
Match Score: 1/5

Bobby Lashley (with Donald Trump) vs. Umaga (with Vince McMahon) – Billionaire Hair vs. Hair Match – Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the most overhyped and most overrated Wrestlemania match of all time! Sure this match was made to sell tickets to non-wrestling fans, but it was totally predictable, there was no in ring-story whatsoever, and no surprises! If you bought this show just to see if Donald Trump is going to get his head shaved bald, I’m sorry to say this but you are an idiot! No way Donald was ever going to humiliate himself like that because he has too much pride to do something this ridiculous. Of course Vince had to be the one to loose his hair because it’s his show and he’s the most impassive out of the two. As for the match, Lashley and Umaga are some of the most mediocre wrestlers that WWE has ever had. And here’s the sad part, this match didn’t make Lashley or Umaga a bigger name after this match, instead Trump and McMahon overshadowed the whole match. Even despite the fact that Shane had to come interfering to drop kick Lashley with a trash can didn’t amuse me. I know they’ve tried to bring a nostalgic moment with the Attitude Era with Stone Cold Steve Austin whooping ass as special guest and Donald Trump had to beat Vince to save his own hair. Lashley speared Umaga after Austin stunnered Umaga to win the victory. And of course we had to see Vince’s head shaved bald and if you were looking forward to see Donald saved bald, prepared to be disappointed. I’m just made at the fact that this is not what Wrestlemania is about, instead they used this waste of space to fill up the time and earn all of those PPV buys. Even worse was the fact that the shaving Vince’s head too a long ass time! Pathetic!
Match Score: 1/5

Melina (c) vs. Ashley – Women’s Championship Lumberjill Match – Last year’s Woman’s match stole the whole show, and now WWE has came back to that stupid tradition that if you’r a Playboy Cover Girl you earned your rights to be number 1 contender. Here’s another match in this card that I truly hate because Melina is a hell of a talent and this Wrestlemania isn’t establishing the magic of women’s wrestling, only worsen it! Ashley was just as bad if not worse than Christie Hemme because she had no wrestling skill but all sex appeal (if you can even call it that). Her moves where sloppy and had no impact as she lands or gets hit. The crowd was not amused and neither was I.
Match Score: 1/5

Image result for John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels wrestlemania 23John Cena (c) vs. Shawn Michaels – WWE Championship – Though I certainly think that this match is better than the Donald Trump-Vince McMahon match, I still did not like this match. I can easily say that this is the most overrated main event that a Wrestlemania has had. I can’t even believe that wrestling fans today are considering this as a classic when it was after all just as basic as you can get! John Cena was already hogging up the spotlight and puts no effort in making any of his matches different. And as for Shawn Michaels, this was least favorite time of being a HBK fan because of the stupid resurrection of D-Generation-X with just him and HHH. I hated DX 2006 and wanted it to end as soon as possible. This match didn’t deserve the main event spot because the story between the two wasn’t that well told and the in-ring action was seen better in Undertaker-Batista match. I mean, Shawn did give out his best efforts to a dance partner who has very limited move sets, but because HBK’s opponent couldn’t give much of anything special.  Maybe this is just my Cena “Hatred” coming out, but he didn’t add a damn thing to the match. What’s more disappointing is that the WWE had a great Wrestlemania moment ready, but they opted not to go for it. The fans wanted Michaels to win. They were clamoring for it. I can just imagine Michaels celebrating with the title to a packed Ford Field going crazy while fireworks are going off. That would have been an awesome moment. Instead, Cena forces Michaels to tap out while the crowd remain quiet. This is part of the reason why some hates Cena so strongly. You rob the fans of those special moments they’re dying for. Michaels should have won. Great performance by Michaels, but Taker/Batista should have been in the main event.
Match Score: 2/5

The WWE and its fans can tell you how much of a great show this was, but it really isn’t! It not the worst Wrestlemania ever, but I can certainly say that it’s the most overrated. Many of the matches were really underwhelming, all the talk about the matches (outside of Undertaker-Batista match) was any where good are just hype, and even the delivery from this card is just nothing to add. The biggest sin of the booking has always been Undertaker vs. Batista because that deserved a main event, the story was well told, and the Undertaker (WWE’s best wrestler) won the freaking Royal Rumble! For the fact that that match was in the middle of the card is a bigger sin than having Savage-Flair match in the middle of the card at Wrestlemania 8 and Rock-Hogan match not main event in Wrestlemania 18. This is the stupid booking decision made by the WWE that only wanted to suck up to the Trump-Vince match that was getting this show all of the attention! For the sake that we had three consecutive 1 out of 5 scored matches after Wrestlemania 23 shows how terrible this whole card really is! I cringe each time some fool calls this a good show but it is after all the most poorly booked Wrestlemania match that I’ve ever seen. This show might have had one of the best WWE PPV buy rates in the company’s history, but that’s just as credible as saying Titanic is the greatest movie of all time because of it sold the most tickets in theaters. But just like when Titanic was released in 3D, Wrestlemania 23 is a show that many of us doesn’t want to go back and see. Nothing new was added, there was not much that was gained, and it’s just a show that is all spectacle and no substance!

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 23:


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Wrestlemania 22 Review

WrestleMania 22 (2006) - IMDbWrestlemania 21 was a dawn of a new era in Wrestling where stars like Batista, John Cena, and Edge became the big names in the WWE today. From Wrestlemania 21 to 22, they’ve tried to make those new stars to become even bigger by showcasing what they were made of in Wrestlemania 22. Some consider this as one of the most surreal Wrestlemanias of all time, but at least this show felt very different among the rest, and the last thing we need is our Wrestlemanias to look identical. With what the WWE had in it’s roster in the beginning of 2006, they had to use what they had to make a great show. And boy what a fantastic show this Wrestlemania was, and here I am still believing that when one Wrestlemania is good, the next one is bad. It’s a rarity to have two consecutive Wrestlemanias to be good and let’s see whether or not this is just as good as Wrestlemania 21 or not.

Big Show and Kane (c) vs. Carlito and Chris Masters – World Tag Team Championship – I really thought that this match was really one-sided and boy was I right. The team up between Carlito and Master just didn’t have any chemistry and what makes anyone think that they could even take on two 7′ footers like Show and Kane? An certainly, the two giants really dominated these two effortlessly and it just wasn’t a great opener like last year’s Wrestlemania. I think the only thing that’s worth going back to this match is just to see Carlito and Masters man-handled. The right guys won with a double chokeslam, but they should have had a better tag team opponent than what we had.
Match Score: 2/5

Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Ric Flair vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley – Money in the Bank Ladder Match – WrestleMania 22 featured the only winner to ever make his match for the case on a designated date ahead of time and keep his promise. Rob Van Dam really was definitely the star of the show, not because of his victory but because of doing what he does best in flying and landing hard. That’s not to say that the other five men didn’t do anything special. I won’t forget that Shelton Benjamin tried to out do RVD. And definitely the highlight of the show is definitely Matt Hardy giving Ric Flair a superplex off the top ladder. That was a such a sight to see a 57-old man fall like that. Wheather if Flair was selling or was actually hurt, he sold that landing like a champ. I can’t help but to rewatch that spot over and over again. Sure, Flair has no business being in this match (because Ladder matches aren’t his specialty) but he made the most of it for the mid-card. Damn, when he came back to the ring after he was brought out after that bump, he proved that he is an all-time great! I don’t see any wrestler that wrestles above age 50 and still doesMatt Hardy Superplex GIF - MattHardy Superplex Ladder - Discover ... what Flair does. This match was much more exciting than one would expect from the lineup given that many of them are not high flyers that could utilize the ladders properly. Hardy, Van Dam and Benjamin filled in the big spots while Lashley and Finlay laid waste to anyone who tried to get in their way. Without a doubt, Van Dam deserved this victory. The long overdue push from 2001/2002 has finally arrived. It’s not the best ladder match and it’s debatably not as good as last year’s Money in the Bank, however, I just had an absolute great time watching this year’s MITB. Rob Van Dam went on to defeat John Cena to gain the WWE Championship in ECW One Night Stand 2006 by first defeating Finlay, Shelton Benjamin, Ric Flair, Matt Hardy and Bobby Lashley. There’s plenty of rewatch value and a lot of historical significance to what happened afterwords. I’m glad that this match made the first half of Wrestlemania 22, something special! Oh and thanks, Ric for taking that bump again!
Match Score: 5/5

John “Bradshaw” Layfield (with Jillian Hall) vs. Chris Benoit (c) – United State Championship – It’s a damn shame to see Chris Benoit to be place so low from a talented individual who worked his ass off to be main event for Wrestlemania 20, to facing no talents like JBL. This was around the time where JBL was just so tiring to watch because even though he lost to John Cena in the last Wrestlemania and ended up to a pointless match like this one. I really am not a fan of this match because it was poorly booked. What’s even worse is that this match having a very dull brawl that was certainly not what Benoit was born for. And the finish having JBL win this match by rolling up the crossface was terrible.
Match Score 1/5

Edge (with Lita) vs. Mick Foley – Hardcore Match – Now this one was certainly a surprise for me because I got a chance to see Mick Foley to what he normally does best but his match with Edge was more than we expected! This was around the time were the WWE had a fantastic show with 2005’s ECW resurrection with One Night Stand 2005 and this match was show ECW-style hardcore wrestling in Wrestlemania. The match started out as a basic brawl until Edge gave Foley as spear, but felt the barbwire wrapped around Foley’s waist. This is where the match got really violent where they brought in barbwire, table taxes, and even a flaming table! I haven’t seen Foley to be in a match this violent since his match against Triple H in Royal Rumble 2000 and Hell in a Cell 2000 in No Way Out! Back in the day, I never though Mick was capable of doing a match like in his early days of a hardcore wrestler because he retired in 2000 with a damaged body. Now he came back fully recovered to risk it all over again. I certainly enjoyed the finish of this match where Lita lit the table on fire and Edge speared Foley through the table. It was a very violent match that caught us all in awe and surprise! I give Mick Foley the out most respect to do this match for the love he has for this company! And I also give Edge the same amount of credit for doing something that he had never done before
Match Score: 5/5

The Boogeyman vs. Booker T and Sharmell – Here’s a real stinker that made it one of the worst match on the card! I hate how they’ve made Booker T into a useless individual who’s low enough to face a disgusting wrestler like Boogeyman. Basically Booker and Sharmell are stalked by this freak that made it a very terrible story. Sharmell didn’t do much in this match so why was this a handicap match? The match was incredibly poor where the in-ring action was incredibly slow and we kept hearing Sharmell screaming for Booker when she never got tagged. Of course she’s just there to get kissed with a mouth full of worms and she ran away from disgust. Then Boogeyman won this match by giving Booker T a double chokeslam. This isn’t really the worst match in Wrestlemania history, but it certainly the most disgusting!
Match Score: 0/5

Image result for wrestlemania 22 mickieMickie James vs. Trish Stratus (c) – Woman’s Championship – Last year’s Wrestlemania, Trish Stratus had an opponent who couldn’t wrestle. Christie Hemme was the most overrated Diva in the history of WWE where they had her win the Raw Diva Search Contest and Playboy Cover Girl. You honestly think she’s worth a title match? However, the next Wrestlemania opponent for Trish was certainly a unique opponent. Enter Mickie James! I love the storyline building up to this match where Mickie was Trish’s biggest psychotic fan but obviously it was because she’s in love with her at the point where she’s obsessed. The fans grew crazy over Mickie James as a character because she was so bizarre but in the attractive level. And what these two offered was THE BEST WOMEN’S MATCH THAT WRESTLEMANIA HAS EVER HAD. This match is so impressive at the point where it was better played than any match in this card! I’m a huge supporter of women’s wrestling and this match certainly stole the show! You heard me right, it even was better than the Foley-Edge match! It’s almost everything that I wanted to see in women’s wrestling where these two delivered technical, high flying, and brawl throughout and it certainly told a wonderful story throughout! The whole stadium chanted for Mickie because she certainly wrestled better than Trish (which is why she’s better as a wrestler). Mickie had the upper hand in this match when Trish missed the chick kick and hit herself in the ring post. Throughout the match Mickie worked, creatively, on her leg while Trish came back with a fight! But each time Trish gets herself back up or hit Mickie back, the whole crowd boo’ed at her. I’m really left surprised to see Mickie controlled the whole crowd like Hogan did at Wrestlemania 18. I remember when Mickie reversed that Stratusfaction move and rammed her damaged leg on the ropes that she screamed with excitement at the crowd as they all cheered for her! That also was a sexual where she felt Trish’s crotch when she tried to reverse that backdrop. Certainly Mickie James deserved the victory and simply stole the whole show! Never again did Wrestlemania ever had a woman’s match as good as this one but for representing what the Diva’s division was all about, it delivered!
Match Score: 6/5

The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry – Casket Match – Meh! That’s all I can say. I am a huge fan of these two wrestlers but I just couldn’t enjoy the match as it was so slow and the stipulation is incredibly one sided. It’s nowhere as good as the Undertaker-Orton match last Wrestlemania and it’s more like the Kane-‘Taker match in Wrestlemania 20. This match was very boring! The only thing that’s worth mentioning about this match was when Undertaker jumped off the top rope and landed on Henry. Then he gave Henry the Tombstone and was sent in the casket for the victory. This was a long and dull match that was neither ‘Taker’s most average in this streak.
Match Score: 1/5

Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. McMahon – No Holds Barred Match – I really don’t like the storyline coming into this match because it was a battle against a man’s religion (HBK’s Christian faith) and a doubter. I know Vince was trying to create heat, but I just despised the many times McMahon mocked HBK’s faith at the point where it offended. It was a personal match, but it was a bit too personal for my taste. As for the match, it was pretty good. It’s nowhere as good as Vince-Shane match in Wrestlemania 17 nor Hogan-Vince match in WM19. For Shawn it doesn’t hold the candle to Angle-Michaels match. All it was is a basic brawl that delivered too much. Out of nowhere, the Spirit Squad (worst faction in Wrestling) had to get involved in this match to save Vince. They were a bunch of push-overs for HBK and it was entirely pointless to have them involved. Even Shane had to get involved that ended up having himself handcuffed to the tops to stay away from the match. The only thing worth noting about this match (despite how cluttered this match was) was to see blood pouring down Vince’s head and that elbow trop Shawn has applied that landed on Vince covered in a trash can on top of the table. The match ended with a Sweat Chin Music and it’s over. Shawn Michaels deserved a better match than this garbage despite how “okay” it was.
Match Score: 3/5

Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Kurt Angle (c) – World Heavyweight Championship – Here’s another match that somewhat offended me as much as the last match. We’re talking about Kurt Angle that defeated HBK in last years Wrestlemania that resulted as one of the best Wrestlemania matches and had a better match against the Undertaker to save his World title and was the king of Smackdown. I understand if he needed to defend it against the Royal Rumble winner, but I never thought Rey Mysterio to entitle himself as World [“Heavyweight”] Champion. There’s a reason why they have names for these titles and there’s no way I can imagine an under 5′ footer to even hold that title. Even worse, I hated the story of this match. It went TOO far when Randy Orton said that Eddie Guererro is down in hell that deeply offended me and all the Eddie fans who misses him greatly. With a bad story, how did the match go? I still am not a fan of this match. Even despite the fact that Kurt and Rey really did a fantastic job in the in-ring work by delivering technical wrestling and high flying maneuvers, Randy’s involvement just slowed down the match and I blame everything wrong with this match on him. If anything, it should just be Kurt vs. Rey despite the fact that its for the “Heavyweight” title. When Kurt and Rey were wrestling, it was magical to see two of the best talents on Smackdown wrestle like no tomorrow, but when Randy comes in, the quality of this match diminishes. I know Rey deserved to win this match because he was Eddie’s closest friend before he passed away, but having Kurt lose his title from Orton getting pinned b Mysterio is just a poor booking decision that I’ve ever seen! It’s no wonder why Kurt Angle never came back to WWE after he left for TNA later that year.
Match Score: 3/5

Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle – This is another one of those matches that was made because of promoting the Playboy magazine that has Candice Michelle as the cover girl. And this is another one of those matches that was made for the heterosexual males, and if you weren’t into the hotness of these two, you can really see how poorly worked this match was. Part of it was because they both had to wear dresses turning this match and when they took them off to expose their bras and panties, it still wasn’t that great of a match. The whole crowd was mostly ignoring this match because there was a better (and hotter) match that was set on earlier in this show. This match wasn’t even that sex, despite how poorly worked this match was. Most of the time it felt awkward to see Candice looking for something to hit Torrie and also not knowing what to do next. No way was this match was ever going to be as good or as memorable as Micke-Trish match and it ended with a school-girl by Torrie and nothing was gained or lost in this match. I only like this match to show that models can’t wrestle while there are more talented wrestlers in the women division that puts this match into shame.
Match Score: 1/5

John Cena (c) vs. Triple H – WWE Championship –  After Cena’s disappointing performance against JBL the year before, he needed a big rub from a main eventer like Triple H and he got it. However a lot of people in the crowd boo’d off Cena because they already knew that he was a mediocre wrestler and still to this day my opinion hasn’t changed since.  Triple H for a strong majority of the match. When Cena finally gained momentum, Triple H used his signature sledgehammer to derail the underdog champion. Triple H threw everything at Cena but couldn’t put him away. After a series of near-falls, Cena caught Triple H in an STF. After much drama, Triple H shockingly submitted. The reaction of the crowd was priceless because they thought it was bullshit, but the fact that The Game was so close to the ropes and tapped seemed a bit odd. I thought that this match as an average match. Nothing surprising came out of this match nor did was it at all memorable. The only positive I can give to this result was Rob Van Dam beat Cena for the WWE Championship in ECW One Night Stand 2006.
Match Score: 2/5

So was this Wrestlemania as good as Wrestlemania 21? Well the Trish-Mickie match totally shits all over the Trish-Christie match, Cena did have a (slightly) better match with HHH than with JBL, Shawn-Vince could not hold the candle to Angle-HBK, MITB this year had Ric Flair fall off a ladder (my favorite ladder spot of all time!), Undertaker-Henry had a pace of a slug compared to Undertaker-Orton, and the rest of the mid-card in this Wrestlemania was not much to talk about. To answer the question, Wrestlemania 21 is superior. However, despite how weak the last three matches were, the match that stole the show was Edge-Foley match that caught us off guard, the Mickie-Trish match that had the best crowd reaction, and Flair taking the bump off the ladder and Rob Van Damn getting a push (finally) was better performed than all the other matches in the card! I was proud that the Mickie-Trish match delivered the best of the women’s matches that we all wanted to see! This Wrestlemania still is the most surreal Wrestlemania show, but (despite the negatives) that’s what makes it a memorable show. The whole crowd of Chicago cheered for whoever they wanted and whoever got boo’d probably deserved it. This is not really a Wrestlemania that I can call the best of all time, but whatever the case, it was memorable for what it was.

The Top Lister’s score for Wrestlemania 22:


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